Intro to the Communication Process. What is Communication? Communication is defined as the process of sending and receiving messages whether deliberate.


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Presentation transcript:

Intro to the Communication Process

What is Communication? Communication is defined as the process of sending and receiving messages whether deliberate or not. Can be verbal Can be nonverbal We spend more time communicating than doing anything else!

Types of Human Communication Intrapersonal Communication: communication with yourself Interpersonal Communication: communication between two or more people, have some relationship level Group Communication: communication among limited number and has a purpose (share info, develop ideas, solve problems, etc.) Mass Communication: communication to a broad audience purpose to entertain, inform and/or persuade (mass media)

The Chart! Sender/ Receiver Receiver/S ender Message Feedback NOISE EncodingDecoding

Encoding VS Decoding Encoding (sender) The process of changing ideas/thoughts into symbols (verbal/nonverbal) and organizing them into a message Decoding (receiver) The process of converting the message of symbols (verbal/nonverbal) back into information that can be understood

Noise- effects messages Internal Intellect, psychology, physical External Environment

Environment/Context Context: the setting where communication is taking place Different contexts or environments change communication and actions Think about how your actions change based on these different settings? School? Interview? Work? Home? With Friends?