Decline of the Roman Republic. DECLINE OF ROMAN REPUBLIC The success of the republic coincided with the beginning of its decline. As Roman territories.


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The Decline of the Roman Republic
Presentation transcript:

Decline of the Roman Republic

DECLINE OF ROMAN REPUBLIC The success of the republic coincided with the beginning of its decline. As Roman territories grew, unrest in Rome grew.

Political Conflict In the Republic, the Senate represented the interests of the wealthy Patrician families. The Assembly represented the interest of the common people, or the plebeians. Plebeians-a member of the common class in Ancient Rome.

Problems Problems inside Rome –Rome getting weaker –more poverty –Senate comprised of wealthy people who made laws to increase their wealth SENATE (Patricians) (Wealthy) ASSEMBLY (PLEBIANS) (common people)

THE ROMAN MOB As territory grew supply of grain also grew creating a surplus on the home market, forcing the price down. Small farmers received so little for their crops that many went into debt and had to sell their lands to the Patricians (the elites in Rome) and merchants grew richer on the booty from the wars and profits made in trade.

The Roman Mob The poor moved into Rome looking for help. Lived in overcrowded buildings (firetraps) where disease was a constant concern. Control over the army (to control the masses) became the key to success.

Military Changes Army was reformed –Soldiers no longer had to own land –Army full-time professional force –Service lengths were for a term of 16 to 20 years. Many of them were landless poor and they wanted a share in the military booty and a piece of land when they retired.

Key to ruling Rome Three steps to Ruling Rome. Future leaders would: –Gain command of a professional army –Use army, for Rome’s sake, to gain booty for themselves and their soldiers, thus winning the army’s undying loyalty –Used army to march into Rome and seize power.

Textbook Assignment

1. Who was Tiberius Gracchus? A tribune who wanted to help the devastated farming class.

2. What reforms did Tiberius Gracchus try to make? Tiberius – revived old law that limited amount of land 1 family could own or rent. Promised $ settlement to wealthy landowners but Senate withheld the money.

3. What happened when Tiberius Gracchus tried to get elected for the second time? Tiberius then decided to run for leadership again but this upsets the Senate and they use it as an excuse to start riot which ended up killing 300 of Tiberius followers as well as himself.

4. Who was Gaius Gracchus? Gaius- Tiberius's brother tries to continue brother’s work 10 years later

5. What change did Gaius Gracchus propose? Reduces nobilities’ power by taking away power in lower courts. Also concerned with the fact that the public has stopped treating conquered peoples with leniency. Proposed that they give citizenship rights to Latin allies but this scared Romans who feared they would be taken over by outsiders.

6. What happened to Gaius Gracchus? Rioting broke out 3000 followers were killed and Gracchus commits suicide.

7. What reforms did Gaius Marius make? Reformed the army of the republic –Soldiers no longer have to own land to serve in the army –Full-time professional force –Uniform training

8. Who was Lucius Sulla? First politician and general to use his army to take over Rome.

9. What is Lucius Sulla known for? The first to appoint himself dictator and hold the position for more than six months. This starts a chain reaction which would lead to the end of the Republic.

Julius Caesar (103 BCE – 44 BCE) Caesar led his army to glory, conquering Gaul and raiding Britain. His military success made him a hero and he used the opportunity to sieze power.

Caesar At first Caesar ruled with two other generals, Crassus and Pompey. They completely disregarded the principles of the Republic and formed a powerful TRIUMVIRATE or rule of three men. With the death of Crassus, Caesar defeated Pompey and became dictator of the republic.

Caesar Made many reforms to strengthen Rome and protect himself Gave people in the provinces the right to become citizens (ensuring loyalty to Rome). Expanded the Republic’s territory in North Africa, France, Greece and Spain. Sent unemployed Romans to settle in these areas. Increased pay of soldiers, securing their alliances as well.

The end of Caesar Senate feared Caesar’s power and his ideas (declared himself First Citizen (or ruler of Rome)). This fear led to a conspiracy, led by Brutus and Cassius to murder Caesar and save The Republic. Caesar stabbed to death.

Caesar supporters avenged his murder by killing more than 2,000 people. The ruler AUGUSTUS emerged and HIS RULED MARKED THE END OF THE REPUBLIC AND THE BEGINNING OF THE EMPIRE.