Unit 1 – Improving Productivity. 1.1Why did you use a computer? What other systems / resources could you have used? I could have used a pen and paper.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 1 – Improving Productivity

1.1Why did you use a computer? What other systems / resources could you have used? I could have used a pen and paper and made leaflets for every one and post all of them but that would have taken to long. Or I could have done an assembly for every one but not everyone would have came to the assembly. Or made a presentation for an MP but I would have been to shy to do it. But I chose to use PowerPoint because I thought it would be easiest to use and present. However I found it difficult to use the computer because the computer kept shutting down and losing my work that I hade done.

1.2What skills did you need to learn in order to use PowerPoint? I needed to learn how to use hyperlinks, how to make buttons and how to use transitions affectively I also needed to learn how to make animations, how to add photos and make them move and how to add a video. I think that this was helpful for me because I let me make my work better and more readable for all ages were as when I first made it, it was very hard to read and approachable. It took me a while to learn how to use all the thinks I need to do like how put a video on to it or how to change the colour of the background

1.2What resources did you need to make the presentation successful? I used google because it was easier to use google then to use something like ask Jevs because google could let me look for what I needed from the internet, PowerPoint I used PowerPoint because I think that it’s the best thing to use to present my work, book’s and other people to help with my presentations this helped me a lot with my presentation because having more then one person to help with my work because I had more then one thought that can help with the presentation.

1.4What factors might have affected how well you completed the presentation? (e.g. time / attendance / knowledge of software) Attendance played a big factor on my presentation because I missed a lot of important information to help me with my presentation also not working as hard as I can in my lessons affected my work. Also not really knowing what I was doing with the software at the start of my project stopped me from finishing my work to the best of my ability. A big thing was the time I was given to do all the work because I didn’t have a lot of time to do my PowerPoint. However I also put a lot of time after school and outside of school to try to keep up with my work and to make it a well as I could.

1.6Why did you use PowerPoint to make your presentation? What other software was available? Why did you choose not to use them? I could have used word or publisher but I chose not to use them because PowerPoint is a much easier way to display a presentation because in my opinion I all worked much smoother then if I was to have used the other presentation software. I also chose PowerPoint because I knew quite a lot of the things you can do on PowerPoint unlike word, if I were to have used word I know very little of the things I can do on word. Also I can break things up more on PowerPoint were as word it would all be on one page with lots of information.

2.2Which tools within PowerPoint made it appropriate for your presentation? A tool within PowerPoint that I can use new slides lets me break up my information over many slides and lets me more interesting then just a page full of information, hyperlinks let me make my work more professional and let me make shortcuts in my work to give easy access to the user. And colour lets me make the PowerPoint look better and more fun to uses for children. Also able to make buttons to make my presentations more interactive and more appealing to children.

1.7Were there any legal constraints or local constraints that changed the way you created your presentation? (e.g. copyright, file sizes) Yes copyright made me change lots of my work around because I had used a logo that had copyright I would have had to ask someone for permission to use and I could have had to pay a small fee to use the logo but I chose to just find a logo without copyright on it and I had to change the video because it was to big and I couldn’t save it so I hade to get a smaller video this was a problem for me because I found I hard to find a good video that was small enough to fit in to my PowerPoint I found this was really difficult to do.

2.4What improvements do you think you could do to your presentation? It could be more professional with the text that I chose and how it was laid it out because the way I had laid it out it was not very professional. My PowerPoint was aimed for kids and adults but it turned out looking like I made it just for kids and it was really immature and not meant for adults. and I could have also made a leaflet however I chose not to because I would have had to print out a lot of paper and leaflets to hand out I also chose not to use them because it is less interactive and children will get bored if there's a lot of words and nothing for them to do.

3.2What improvements do you think you could have done to improve your work rate? A way to improve my work rate is for me to be in school more often because when I'm in school I do all the work I can possibly do and try as hard as I can to catch up with my work. And to stay focused on my work because I missed a lot of time and had to rush my work not doing it to all of my work. I also could have use a template to make my work rate faster then if I were to make my own background however I think it was worth the extra time because it looked better and more unique thenn if I would have used a template.