Derk Garcia, Interim Chief Academic Officer. LCFF and LCAP Through the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) flexibility and Local Control Accountability.


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Presentation transcript:

Derk Garcia, Interim Chief Academic Officer

LCFF and LCAP Through the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) flexibility and Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) requirements, Local Education Agencies (LEA) and schools are being held accountable for their allocation and implementation of funding/resources to support increased student learning for all students - specifically for targeted groups of students.

LCFF Policy Goals and Features Performance and accountability with greater flexibility to meet districts’ and schools’ unique student needs Increase transparency and reduce complexity Improve local accountability Improve funding equity across districts Ability to use LCFF funds for school and district- wide purposes

LCFF Policy Goals and Features Designed to improve student outcomes Student performance drives program and budgetary decisions LCFF basic grant addresses the needs of all students LCFF supplemental grant targets lowest performing students and subgroups English Learners, students of poverty, foster youth Concentration grants for districts with poverty populations above 55%

LCFF Policy Goals and Features To attain these goals, the LCFF: Eliminates Revenue Limits and almost all categorical programs, except those established by state initiative, federal statutes, or court orders or settlements Establishes base grants for four grade spans which will provide absolute dollar equalization at full implementation (eight years) K-3, 4-6, 7-8, 9-12

K-3 Class Size Reduction – Funding The LCFF provides a 10.4% increase to the K-3 base grant to reduce K-3 enrollment (including Transitional Kindergarten [TK]) to an annual average of no more than 24 students per class, the “24 Track” Based on the $6,952 per ADA base grant, this equates to $723 per ADA Districts are expected to reach the maximum average enrollment of no more than 24 students At each school site By the time the LCFF is fully implemented (planned for ) Unless an alternative is locally negotiated

Adult Education The State Budget requires maintaining the status quo for existing K-12 and community college adult education programs for two years The proposal allows school districts to retain authority to continue existing adult education programs Over time, the expectation is to join a regional adult education consortium in order to: Gain access to additional dedicated adult education funding Ensure coordination with other local adult education providers

Local Control Accountability Plan What do we need to do? On or before July 1, 2014, and every three years thereafter, LEAs must adopt the LCAP using the template adopted by the State Board of Education (March 2014) The LCAP must include a description of the following: Annual Goals Based on data analysis specific to the eight state priorities for all students and “numerically significant subgroups” Numerically significant: defined as 30 students with valid test scores at the school or school district – with the following exceptions Foster youth – 15 or more students

Local Control Accountability Plan What do we need to do? Actions Specific actions the LEA and school sites will take to accomplish annual goals specific to the eight state priorities Actions must demonstrate “increased or improved services for unduplicated pupils in proportion to the increase in funds apportioned (EC ) Spend more Provide more Achieve more Description of expenditures For each fiscal year of the three-year-plan, list and describe expenditures supporting specific actions included in the LCAP

Local Control Accountability Plan: Eight State Priorities Pupil Engagement School Climate Adopt Standards Course of Study Credentials/Materials Pupil Outcomes Parental Involvement Pupil achievement Expulsion Coordination (COE only) Foster Student Services (COE only) State Priorities

Local Control Accountability Plan: Process for Adoption and Annual Updating Consultation with: Teachers Principals School personnel Pupils Local bargaining units Present for review and comment to: Parent advisory committee English learner parent advisory committee The superintendent must respond in writing to comments received Opportunity for public input: Notice of the opportunity to submit written comment Public hearing The superintendent must respond in writing to comments received Adoption of the plan: Adopted concurrent with the LEA’s budget Submitted to COE for approval Posted on district website COE posts LCAP for each district/school or a link to the LCAP

Local Control Accountability Plan Development: How and when we will do it … November 2013 – January 2014 Inform and communicate LCAP process with stakeholder groups Division of Teaching and Learning Leadership (Board/Cabinet/Principals/Teachers) Curriculum Standards Facilities, Transportation and Finance DELAC DAC Bargaining Units Foster Youth Advisory SPAC Families and Students 12

Local Control Accountability Plan Development: How and when we will do it … December 2013 Develop LCAP “straw plan” Goals and actions based on: Data analysis pertinent to eight state priorities LEA Plan Strategic Plan EL Master Plan Input from Stakeholder Groups 13

Local Control Accountability Plan Development: How and when we will do it … Jan/Feb 2014 Solicit feedback and input on “straw plan” from stakeholder groups Ad-hoc working group to assist with goals prioritization and metrics; report progress back to representative groups March/April 2014 Budget Development in support of plan Ad-hoc working group March 2014 Finalize plan and report out to stakeholder groups 14

Local Control Accountability Plan Development: How and when we will do it … March Curriculum and Standards - Recommend April Approval of Plan - Division of Teaching and Learning May Approval of Plan - Cabinet May 13 Board LCAP Workshop May 27 Board meeting and public hearing on LCAP June 10 Submission to Board for approval July 1 Submission of plan to COE/SBE Aug 15 COE submits LCAP questions to district for response within 15 days Oct 8:Upload LCAP on SJUSD website upon COE approval 15 April – October 2014

COE Oversight Responsibilities If the LCAP is not approved, COE will do one or all … Identify strengths and weaknesses in regard to state priorities Assign an academic expert or team of experts Request that the California Collaborative for Educational Excellence (CCEE) provide advice and assistance