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Local Control Funding Formula & Local Control Accountability Plan Stakeholders Meeting March 26, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Local Control Funding Formula & Local Control Accountability Plan Stakeholders Meeting March 26, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Local Control Funding Formula & Local Control Accountability Plan Stakeholders Meeting March 26, 2014

2 Agenda 6:30 – Welcome & General Information Review of LCAP Process & State/Local Priorities Overview of Existing Services and Plans Review the Prioritized Input (the Big Ideas) from Previous Meetings 6:45 - Break-out into Small Groups Review more detailed information about current services Work together to identify and prioritize specific services and activities for recommended inclusion in the LCAP 8:20 - Adjourn

3 Why We Are Here… The Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) Three year plan which must be adopted in conjunction with the annual budget Based on state priorities Identifies district annual goals Specifies services, actions or programs Lists and describes expenditures serving low income, English learners, and foster youth

4 Adoption of the Plan: Adopted at the same time as the district budget Submitted to ICOE for approval Post on district website Adoption of the Plan: Adopted at the same time as the district budget Submitted to ICOE for approval Post on district website The Local Control Accountability Plan Levels of Engagement as Required by Statute Consultation with: Parents Pupils Teachers Principals Other School Personnel Local Bargaining Units Consultation with: Parents Pupils Teachers Principals Other School Personnel Local Bargaining Units Present for Review & Comment to: District Parent Advisory Committee English Learner Advisory Committee Present for Review & Comment to: District Parent Advisory Committee English Learner Advisory Committee Opportunity for Public Input: Notice of the opportunity to submit written comments Public Hearing Superintendent response in writing Opportunity for Public Input: Notice of the opportunity to submit written comments Public Hearing Superintendent response in writing

5 Existing Support Services So, under the new Local Control Funding Formula, will we quit providing the support services for at-risk and special population students that we have in place in order to implement the new ideas? And will we discontinue implementing other district and school site plans? Of course not… So, what kinds of things will our schools continue to offer?

6 Existing Support Services Services for English Learners Services for students who are struggling academically Services for Special Education students Other Support Services Professional Development Parent Involvement

7 Existing District & School Plans District Strategic Plan Local Educational Agency Plan (For Federally funded Program Improvement) District Technology Plan Migrant Services Agreement Bilingual Master Plan Perkins – Career Technical Education Plan Schoolsite Single Plans for Student Achievement WASC Plans

8 CUHSD Strategic Goals Increase achievement for all students, narrow the gap between high and low performing student subgroups, and increase the graduation rate of all students Implement Common Core State Standards (CCSS) across all content areas. Effectively use technology to improve student learning and achievement. Improve communication among all stakeholders. Implement professional growth opportunities for staff that will develop future leaders. Support school district priorities while maintaining compliance with established fiscal policies.

9 Teacher Qualifications & Adequate Materials Student Engagement School Climate Implementation of Common Core Standards Parent Involvement Student Achievement Course Access Other Student Outcomes California’s State Priorities

10 Stakeholder Input - Priorities Student Achievement and Other Outcomes Tutoring AvailabilityStudent Praise Better Materials with More Access Counseling/Guidance Services School Climate: Smaller Class Size Accessibility/ Flexibility of Counselors Increase Diverse Extra- curricular Activities One-to-One Tutoring Safe and Encouraging Learning Environment Student Engagement: Smaller Class SizeHands-On Activities

11 Stakeholder Input - Priorities Parent Involvement: More Back to School Nights Parent Volunteer Opportunities Improved Communication Common Core Standards: Improved TechnologyImproved Resources Communication about CCSS Course Access: Diversity in course offerings Electives Advanced Placement Options Science & Engineering STEM/Robotics/ Medicine

12 Stakeholder Input - Priorities Here’s what you said was important: Tutoring Safe & Encouraging Learning Environment (Praise) Instructional Materials & Resources (including technology and more hands-on) Class Size - Lower Student/Adult Ratio Counseling & Guidance Services Communication Parent Involvement Diverse & More Rigorous Course Offerings

13 Next … So, now you will be moving to your smaller group. Please go to the room number in the Social Studies building identified on your colored ticket. Thank you for attending! We sincerely appreciate your participation.

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