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A Presentation For Mojave Unified School District.

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1 A Presentation For Mojave Unified School District


3  In 2013 California adopted a new funding formula for school districts—Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF)  Collapsed the majority of categorical funding sources in the LCFF  Shifts more of the decision-making to the school district level  Requires that supplemental and concentration funds be used to “increase or improve services to El/LI pupils”  Requires districts to adopt LCAPs showing how funds will be spent to provide high-quality education programs and improve student outcomes. California State PTA


5  It is a critical piece to the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF)  Each district must include parents, educators, employees, and the community in the writing of the LCAP  The LCAP will describe the district’s overall vision for the students along with annual goals and specific actions the district will take to achieve the vision and goals.  The LCAP must focus on the 8 areas of priority that have been identified by the State.  The plan will link budget to the vision and goals and assess each year how the strategies in the plan were able to improve outcomes.

6 State Priorities Student Engagement Student Achievement Parental Involvement Access to a Broad Curriculum Common Core State Standards Basic Services School Climate Other Student Outcomes

7 Share of students determined to be prepared for College Measured by the EAP Performance on Standardized TestsAPI Score Number of Students who are College and Career Ready Number of EL students that become English Proficient EL Reclassification Rate Number of Students that pass AP exams with 3 or higher

8 School Attendance Rates Chronic Absenteeism Rates Middle School Dropout Rates High School Dropout Rates High School Graduation Rates

9 Student Suspension Rates Student Expulsion Rates Other Local Measures

10 Rate of Teacher Misassignment Facilities in Good Repair Student Access to Standards—Aligned Instructional Materials

11 Efforts to Seek Parent Input Promotion of Parental Participation

12 Implementation of CCSS for All Students, Including EL

13 Student Access and Enrollment in All Required Areas of Study

14 Other Indicators of Student Performance in Required Areas of Study May Include Performance on Other Exams


16  The LCAP must include the school district’s annual goals in each of the eight priority areas.  The LCAP must include district-wide goals and goals for each of the numerically significant student subgroups in the district.  The LCAP must specify the action steps to be taken to meet the annual goals in each of the priority areas.  The action steps must be aligned with the school district’s adopted budget.  The District must consult with the various stake holders in developing the plan.

17  The threshold for a significant subgroup has changed from 50 to 30 students each of whom has a valid test score and the subgroup constitutes 15% of the total population of pupils at a school who have valid test scores.  Foster children have been added as a recognized subgroup by the State. The threshold for foster children are 15 students each of whom has a valid test score and the subgroup constitutes 15% of the total population of pupils at a school who have valid test scores.


19 Consult Present Solicit Input Adopt

20  Ed Code 52060 (g): “A governing board of a school district shall consult with teachers, principals, administrators, other school personnel, local bargaining units of the school district, parents, and pupils in developing the local control and accountability plan”

21  The LCAP will be presented for review and comment to: ◦ Parent Advisory Committee  Must include parents/guardians that meet one or more of the following:  Low Income Rep  Foster Youth Rep  English Learner Rep  Special Education Rep ◦ English Learner Parent Advisory Committee  ELAC/DELAC meet this requirement.

22  Any comments received during the presentations to the Parent and English Learner Advisory Committees must be answered in writing by the superintendent.  Individual School Plans must be aligned to priorities in the LCAP

23  Provide opportunities for public input : ◦ Members of the public must be given the opportunity to submit written comments regarding the actions and expenditures proposed in the LCAP ◦ The Board must hold at least one public meeting prior to the proposed LCAP adoption

24  The superintendent must respond in writing to the comments received.

25  The LCAP must be adopted by the Governing Board on or before July 1, 2014  The LCAP must be adopted concurrently with the district’s budget  Once adopted the LCAP is submitted to KCSOS for approval  After adoption the LCAP must be posted on the district’s website.  The plan is updated annually.  Plan is completely revised every three years thereafter.

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