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County Office of Education LCAP Update Peter Birdsall – CISI W ORKSHOP S ACRAMENTO C OUNTY O FFICE OF E DUCATION.

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Presentation on theme: "County Office of Education LCAP Update Peter Birdsall – CISI W ORKSHOP S ACRAMENTO C OUNTY O FFICE OF E DUCATION."— Presentation transcript:

1 County Office of Education LCAP Update Peter Birdsall – CISI W ORKSHOP S ACRAMENTO C OUNTY O FFICE OF E DUCATION M AY 26, 2015

2 LCFF Major Tasks and Milestones LCFF Spending Regulations and Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) Template Adopted July 2014 January 2014 January 2015 July 2015 LCFF in effect First LCAP’s Completed 2 nd LCAP with Annual Update Completed Evaluation Rubrics to be Adopted Revised LCFF Spending Regulations and Templates Approved July 2013 January 2016

3 LCAP History / Fiscal Accountability History LCAP Legislation Approved 2015 2013 LCAP History Fiscal Accountability History 1992 2000 2004 Fiscal Accountability Legislation Approved AB 2754 – Major Clarifying Legislation Enacted

4 CCSESA LCAP Approval Manual Link to 2015-16 CCSESA LCAP Approval Manual:

5 Criteria for Approval 52070. (d) The county superintendent of schools shall approve a local control and accountability plan or annual update to a local control and accountability plan on or before October 8, if he or she determines all of the following: (1)The local control and accountability plan or annual update to the local control and accountability plan adheres to the template adopted by the state board pursuant to Section 52064. (2)The budget for the applicable fiscal year adopted by the governing board of the school district includes expenditures sufficient to implement the specific actions and strategies included in the local control and accountability plan adopted by the governing board of the school district, based on the projections of the costs included in the plan. (3)The local control and accountability plan or annual update to the local control and accountability plan adheres to the expenditure requirements adopted pursuant to Section 42238.07 for funds apportioned on the basis of the number and concentration of unduplicated pupils pursuant to Sections 42238.02 and 42238.03.

6 Implementation Updates Calibration Workshops Guidance Evaluation Rubrics

7 Conditions for Intervention 52071. (a) If a county superintendent of schools does not approve a local control accountability plan or annual update to the local control and accountability plan approved by a governing board of a school district, or if the governing board of a school district requests technical assistance, the county superintendent of schools shall provide technical assistance, including, among other things, any of the following: (1)Identification of the school district’s strengths and weaknesses in regard to the state priorities described in subdivision (d) of section 52060, communicated in writing to the school district. This identification shall include a review of effective, evidence-based programs that apply to the school district’s goals. (2)Assignment of an academic expert or team of academic experts to assist the school district in identifying and implementing effective programs that are designed to improve the outcomes for all pupil subgroups identified pursuant to Section 52052. The county superintendent of schools may also solicit another school district within the county to act as a partner to the school district in need of technical assistance. (3)Request that the Superintendent assign the California Collaborative for Educational Excellence to provide advice and assistance to the school district.

8 Conditions for Intervention (b) Using an evaluation rubric adopted by the state board pursuant to Section 52064.5, the county superintendent of schools shall provide the technical assistance described in subdivision (a) to any school district that fails to improve pupil achievement across more than one state priority described in subdivision (d) of Section 52060 for one or more pupil subgroup identified pursuant to Section 52052.

9 Fiscal Accountability Model Link to FCMAT Website: Fiscal Health Risk Analysis Link to Indicators of Risk: content/uploads/sites/4/2015/04/FCMAT-Indicators-4- 2015-K-12.pdf content/uploads/sites/4/2015/04/FCMAT-Indicators-4- 2015-K-12.pdf

10 Fiscal Health Risk Analysis (partial list of indicators) Is the district’s financial data accurate and timely? Is the district able to collect, assess, and report student data in the California Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS)? Is position control reconciled against the budget during the fiscal year? Does the district offer or ensure that staff attend professional development regarding financial management and budget? Are there clear processes and policies in place to analyze resources and allocations to ensure that they align with strategic planning objectives and that the budget reflects the LEA’s priorities and LCAP? Has the district ensured that the LCAP is incorporated in the budget?

11 Fiscal Health Risk Analysis (partial list of indicators) Does the budget development process include input from staff, administrators, board and community, as well as the budget advisory committee (if there is one)? Are budget assumptions updated throughout the year as updated information becomes available? Does the district have a superintendent and/or chief business official who has been with the district more than two years? Does the governing board adopt and revise understandable and timely policies and support the administration to ensure implementation? Does the governing board refrain from micromanaging district administration and staff?

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