A Failed Reconstruction Southern Society largely unchanged.


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Presentation transcript:

A Failed Reconstruction Southern Society largely unchanged.

 Reconstruction of the South was intended bring the states back into the Union to resolve the old conflicts. But the federal Reconstruction plan did not break up white dominance of power in the South. So while slavery was over, Southern society on the whole was largely unchanged.

Goal of Reconstruction  The goal of the Civil War was to get the Southern states to rejoin the nation.  The goal of Reconstruction was for the federal govt. to change Southern society to fit into American society as a whole.

Lincoln’s Plan  Any Southerner except high ranking officials could receive a pardon.  A state could be readmitted when 10% of its population declared loyalty.  Intended to be easy for states to rejoin the country - “Lincoln governments.”

Radical Republicans and the Wade Davis Bill  Many Republicans were very upset at the South, and wanted to impose harsh restrictions - viewed the South as a conquered foreign nation.  Wanted an “iron-clad” loyalty oath, and a majority of citizens to be loyal and participate in the new govt.

So would Reconstruction change the South?  13th Amendment ratified in January declared slavery abolished, and Southern states needed to accept it.  Freedmen’s Bureau created in 1865 as a type of social welfare agency - supplied food, medicine, schooling, and legal help to freedmen.

After freedom, land was the key to independence  Sherman issued Field Order 15 - set aside captured land to distribute to freed slaves.  40 acres and a mule  Was never effectively completed, the land was returned to former white owners by Pres. Johnson.

Sharecropping  Many freed slaves could not find or afford land, so entered into sharecropping agreements - like tenant farming.  Problem was that tenants got selves in a cycle of debt. Kept wealthy landowners with economic power, and freed slaves with none.

Johnson and Reconstruction  Was a senator from TN, but had not supported secession. Served as military governor of TN during Civil War.  Initially seemed unwilling to pardon ranking Southerners, but eventually changed his mind.  Many of the same Confederate politicians were voted back into office - and tried to come back to Congress.

Black Codes

Congress and Johnson  Congress would not accept Johnson’s soft plans - and tried to push compromise.  Johnson vetoed Congressional plans like Civil Rights Law and Freedman’s Bureau, he even spoke out against 14th amendment.  Congress overrode him and left him powerless - even impeached.

US Grant  Elected in 1868  An administrator of Reconstruction, but never put full effort of federal govt. toward it.

14th and 15th amendments  14th: all people born in the US are citizens, and states cannot deny rights - they must provide equal protection.  15th: all men can vote regardless of race or whether or not they were slaves.

Jim Crow segregation  Amendments were passed to ensure the equality of black men.  However the interpretation of those amendments allowed for loopholes:  Segregation could be allowed if it was equal.  Men could not be denied the vote based on race - what about wealth? literacy? Etc.

White resistance and KKK  In spite of federal efforts for equality, many Southern whites resisted racial equality politically, economically, and socially.  KKK a particularly violent group intended to keep blacks oppressed through violence.

Myth of “Negro Rule”  Southern white propaganda claimed that blacks were taking over the South - and thus needed to be stopped.

End of reconstruction  By the 1870s many Northern Republicans tired of Reconstruction.  1876 election is essentially traded to Republicans (Hayes) in exchange for the end to Reconstruction.