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Reconstruction 1864-1872. Define Reconstruction Process of readmitting the former Confederate States into the Union from 1865 to 1877.

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Presentation on theme: "Reconstruction 1864-1872. Define Reconstruction Process of readmitting the former Confederate States into the Union from 1865 to 1877."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reconstruction 1864-1872

2 Define Reconstruction Process of readmitting the former Confederate States into the Union from 1865 to 1877

3 Lincoln’s Plan 1864-1865 Also known as the 10% Plan designed to reunite the nation quickly and painlessly Key Parts 1.Swear an oath of loyalty 2.Agree the slavery was illegal 3.When 10% of any stated did this they could begin forming a new government

4 Wade Davis Bill 1864 Congress believed they should control how the states return to the union and they believed Lincoln’s plan wasn’t tough enough! Conditions 1.Ban slavery 2.Majority of adult males take a loyalty oath 3.Only southerners who swear they never supported the Confederacy could vote or hold office Lincoln refused to sign

5 Johnson’s Reconstruction Plan 1865-1866 Key Points – Wealthy southerners and former Confederate officials needed a Presidential Pardon – Appointed a temporary governor for each state. – Revise state constitutions – Hold new elections – Declare secession illegal – Ratify the 13 th Amendment – Refuse to pay Confederate debt All but Texas had done this by 1865 Congress refused to admit the newly elected representatives because most of them had served the Confederacy

6 Congress Reconstruction Plan 1867-1872 Passed the Reconstruction Acts – South is divided into 5 districts controlled by a military commander – New state constitutions written approving the 13 and 14 Amendments – African American Men got the right to vote

7 Freed African Americans during Reconstruction

8 1. What is meant by forty acres to farm? Did it last? Sherman started capturing plantations at the end of the war. He would divide them up to Freed African American in 40 acre parcels in return for the slavery service. Many white southerners refused to give up land Land would later be returned by Congress

9 2. What was the Freedman’s Bureau? Provided relief for freed people and poor people of the south – Focused on providing food, education and legal advice

10 3. What are Black Codes and what was the freed slave position on them? Limited the freedom of African Americans – Examples – strict contracts, cheap wages, poor conditions, restricted access to goods and services Freed slaves felt like this was slavery that was continued

11 4. Who were the Radical Republicans? Republicans supported equal rights for African Americans Radical Republicans saw what the south was doing with Black Codes and wanted the Federal government to force a change

12 5. What was outlined in the 14 th Amendment? Passed in 1866 1.Defined who were citizens except Native Americans 2.Citizens are granted equal protection 3.You can not deprive a citizen of life, liberty or property without due process of the law 4.Former Confederates can not hold office 5.State laws are subject to federal review 6.Congress can pass laws to enforce this amendment

13 6. What was the purpose of the KKK? They came to power to oppose the civil rights of African Americans particularly voting rights

14 7. What were the Jim Crow Laws? Laws that enforced segregation – Separation of Whites and African Americans – Education

15 8. What was decided in Plessy v. Ferguson? Separation is allowed as long as separate but equal facilities are provided

16 Reconstruction Government

17 1. What is a carpetbagger? Northern born Republicans who moved south after the war They were though to be profiting from Reconstruction

18 2. What is a scalawag? White southern Republicans who were seen by southern Democrats as traders

19 3. Did African Americans get elected to office? Yes Over 600 to state, and federal positions

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