SITE TESTING COORDINATOR TRAINING AIMS Extended Writing & Reading - HS CCSA Extended Writing & Reading- 9 th SPRING 2004.


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Presentation transcript:

SITE TESTING COORDINATOR TRAINING AIMS Extended Writing & Reading - HS CCSA Extended Writing & Reading- 9 th SPRING 2004

2 Thank You – Thank You We know there is a lot of testing this year- a lot for testing coordinators to do! So we are starting out with a great big THANK YOU for all your help. Ready? Breathe Deeply! Let’s Begin …

3 Introduction to CCSA & AIMS  The CCSA (Core Curriculum Standards Assessment) is our district assessment aligned with the Arizona State Standards  AIMS (Arizona Instrument to Measure Standards) is the state assessment aligned with the Arizona State Standards

4  Dates for Administration February 24 & 25  AIMS HS Reading & Extended Writing (No out-of-levels at this time)  CCSA 9 th Grade Reading and Extended Writing  CCSA – Reading ML 1 & ML 2 (out-of-levels) When will CCSA and AIMS materials arrive at the schools? Tests will arrive February 17 & 18  Make-Up Dates for Reading & Extended Writing: March 2 & 3  Out-of-Level Dates for AIMS Reading & Extended Writing: April

5 What to do when the tests arrive!  Take an inventory of all materials Report any discrepancies immediately to Accountability and Research ( )  Secure all materials until testing begins  Save all boxes for returning your documents

6 What To Do If You Need Additional CCSA or AIMS Materials  Call or fax Accountability and Research and we will put your order together Because the materials are secure, they cannot be sent through the mail You will need to pick them up at the Accountability and Research Test Distribution Center at 1132 E. Broadway (phone: , fax: )

7 What Should You Expect in Your Shipment of CCSA Materials? Box Inventory Form Handling & Returning Information for CCSA Reading/Extended Writing (Spring 2004) sheet Extended Writing Information Sheet Please Note: CCSA Extended Writing is an extension of the Quarterly Writing Assessment – no writing materials sent CCSA Grade 9 Reading booklets & answer documents ML1 & ML2 Reading booklets & answer documents Teacher Instructions Barcode labels Out-of-Level (ML) Report Return Box Labels

8 What Should You Expect in Your Shipment of HS AIMS Materials? AIMS HS Extended Writing & Reading Accountability and Research Inventory Sheet Inventory Sheet from Harcourt Test Booklets (Reading/Writing) – Forms A – Q (spiraled) Form R for Makeup Day Answer Documents (Reading/Writing) Bar Code Labels Handling & Returning Info Sheet Test Administrator’s Manuals Return Box Labels

9 Test Preparation for CCSA & AIMS  Maintain all student test materials in a locked storage area until the time of test administration  No student, teacher or parent should be allowed to examine a test booklet prior to testing nor should any part of a test booklet or the Test Administrator’s Manual be reproduced. NO EXCEPTIONS  Be sure you have the following supplies available for use during testing: sufficient quantity of No. 2 pencils with erasers dictionaries and thesauri for the extended writing portion only

10 Improper Test Administration for CCSA or AIMS  reading any portion of the reading subtests or translating or paraphrasing words on test items  leaving materials in view that are directly related to the standards and/or to the test or that would help students to get a correct answer (multiplication tables, synonyms, definitions)  If in doubt, ask yourself, “If the student looks at this material will it help the student get the correct answer?” If yes, then remove the material from view.

11 AIMS Administration Preparation  18 Forms A-R A-Q used for regular testing (12 per pack) R used for Makeup testing  Only 1 answer document per student Must bubble in “form” used If student absent, teacher pulls answer document and returns to site test coordinator Site Test Coordinator bundles absent students’ answer documents for use on makeup day. Must use Form R on makeup and bubble in “R” on answer document

12 Timing  AIMS and CCSA are NOT TIMED!  High School AIMS takes approximately 2 hours per each section  CCSA Extended Writing – follow timing guidelines of District Quarterly Assessment

13 Precautions for Answer Documents  No. 2 pencil must be used  Do not use correction fluid anywhere  Do not allow students to use extra paper to answer extended-response questions  Only answers written in allotted space will be scored  Do not use pen, crayon, markers, or colored pencils on any part  Do not disassemble or pull pages out of answer document  Do not attach “sticky” notes  Do not attach paper clips, tape, staples or glue  Use only 2004 Answer Documents  Do not photocopy an answer document  Use of scratch paper prohibited

14 Scoring of CCSA Extended Writing Documents (3 rd Quarter Writing Assessment)  CCSA Extended Writing is an extension of the Quarterly Writing Assessment  Follow same district guidelines have followed all year for District Quarterly Writing Assessment  Use Six Trait Six Point Writing Rubric for collaborative scoring  Enter scores online for 3 rd quarter Writing Assessment during data entry window (March 12 – March 19)  Note: No CCSA drafts or final copies to be submitted to Accountability and Research.

15 SPECIAL EDUCATION  New Language this year – no longer use term “modification” Accommodations Standard Accommodations = changes in presentation or responses to test that do not change fundamental assessment Non-standard Accommodations = changes in presentation or responses to test that alter fundamental assessment  Accommodations must be used in daily instruction

16 Accommodations Overview Standard No “J” coding needed Non-standard Must “J” code for AIMS Must be identified on IEP 504 StudentsOut-of-level testing ELL StudentsSubject to meeting certain conditions for each content area – (see Exceptional Ed) Braille & Large Print (answers must be transferred to standard answer document)  Please see Exceptional Ed Website for details:

17 Allowable AIMS HS Accommodations  For Reading and Writing: Provide translation dictionary Administer test individually in separate locations Administer test to small groups Reread directions for each page Simplify language in the directions

18 Out-of-Level Testing  AIMS: Applies to a very small percentage For students who have a primary disability category of MIMR, MOMR, SMR, MD, or MDSSI with an MR component OOLs given in April  CCSA: Grade 9 students eligible for Reading ML 1 or ML 2 if specified on IEP. No out-of-levels for extended writing (district quarterly writing assessment OOLs given at same time in February

19 When to transcribe?  If student uses a word processor, tape recorder, scribe, Braille test book, Braillewriter, or a Large Print test book, student’s response MUST BE TRANSCRIBED into an answer document for scoring purposes  When transcribing, use exact words  Applies to both CCSA and AIMS

20 ELLs  AIMS and CCSA are offered in English only  Standard Accommodations are available to ALL English learners for a period not to exceed 3 consecutive school years beginning with grade 1, upon enrollment in an Arizona school  See ELL (LEP) guidelines under Resources on TUSDStats page

21 Return of Materials Please follow: Handling and Returning Information sheet for CCSA Reading/Extended Writing (Spring 2004). Handling and Returning Information sheet for High School AIMS Reading/Writing (Spring 2004). Note: These sheets were sent out in the testing boxes to each site.

22 Preparation of HS Scoreables  Scoreables refer to: Grade 9 and ML 2 CCSA Reading Bubble Sheets CCSA test booklets for ML 1 and ML 2 Grade 10 AIMS Reading/Writing Answer Documents  Reminder: The 9 th grade CCSA Extended Writing is the same as the District Quarterly Assessment – follow guidelines have used all year – nothing is turned into A & R  Make sure barcode labels are properly oriented on answer documents for CCSA Reading and AIMS Reading/Writing  Please separate completed from noncompleted answer documents – Extremely Important

23 Return of High School Scoreables  Bring a copy of CCSA Box Inventory or Harcourt Brace Invoice (AIMS)  Scoreables returned in person on March 4 and March 5  Sign-up for a time with Bert ( ) to return scoreables

24 Return of CCSA Scoreable Documents  CCSA Bring copy of inventory sheet Answer documents for Grade 9 and ML 1 (Reading section) Test booklets for ML1 and ML 2 Make sure barcode labels properly oriented Answer Documents separated by test level- (ML1, ML2, and Grade 9) Bring unused (for whatever reason) bubble sheets Place Scoreable label on outside of CCSA box Keep CCSA and AIMS in separate boxes – in boxes sent to you

25 Return of AIMS Scoreable Documents  AIMS Bring copy of inventory sheet Answer documents for Reading/Writing Make sure barcode labels properly oriented Answer Documents grouped by enrolled grade (10 th together, 11 th, together, etc.) Bring unused (for whatever reason) answer documents Place Scoreable label on outside of AIMS box Keep CCSA and AIMS in separate boxes – in boxes sent to you

26 Preparation & Return of CCSA & H.S. AIMS (Non-Scoreables)  Separate Reading/Writing test booklets from the “Test Administrator’s Manual” (AIMS) or “Teacher Instructions” (CCSA)  Pack in original boxes  Place copy of CCSA Box Inventory or AIMS Harcourt Inventory Sheet in the first box of non-scoreables  Apply “Non-Scoreables” label on outside of each box  Non-scoreables will be picked up by warehouse truck on March 8 (Please inform office staff of location of nonscoreables )

27 CCSA Demographic Information  If student has a Pre-Id Label (barcode) no other information needs to be bubbled in  If student has NO Pre-ID label, then fill all demographics on answer document must be filled in. Important to fill in Student Matric Number  See next slide

Apply Pre-Id label (barcode label) here

29 AIMS Demographic Information  If there is a Pre-ID Label (barcode label), teacher only needs to fill in “Other Information” Box - Column J used for Special Education (if needed) indicate Braille or Large Print (if needed). Must bubble in if Title 1  If there is NO Pre-ID Label, teacher needs to fill in all the demographic bubble fields on back page including the following: Title I (if applicable) Student Matric SAIS student number - essential and MUST BE ENTERED (available on TUSD intranet)  IMPORTANT – Place Pre-ID label next to arrow that says “Place Pre-ID Label Here” – do not place in any other box  Do Not scratch out any information on a Pre-ID label or use a blank label that is handwritten  If a label is incorrectly placed, leave alone and fill out student demographic grid per instructions in manual

30 “J” Code  An entry in the Column J in the “Other Information” section removes scores of test from summary data  Non-standard accommodations coded in J  Out-of-level is an non-standard so coded in J  Standard accommodations NOT coded in J  Home school students identified in J

31 More on “J” Code 1 = Non-standard accommodation in reading 2 = Non-standard accommodation in mathematics 3 = Non-standard accommodation in writing 4 = Non-standard accommodation in reading & mathematics 5 = Non-standard accommodation in reading & writing 6 = Non-standard accommodation in mathematics & writing 7 = Non-standard accommodation in reading, mathematics, & writing 8 = Home schooled student tested at your school

DO NOT PUT LABEL HERE These fields no longer here There is a 3 rd box here for SAIS number

33 #12 Other Information (Column J) Only J needs to be filled in with a Refer to Administrator’s Manual for codes

Fill Out If Applicable

35 Multiple Forms of AIMS Test  There are 18 forms of AIMS Reading/Writing test booklets A – Q R (for makeup only)  Each packet of booklets contains 12 forms (spiraled) with A – Q Ex: first packet will be A - L, next packet M – Q & A - G, etc. Form R comes packaged together  There is a Form Code on the outside of the Test Booklet and a Form Code Grid on the Answer Document that needs to be filled in  The Test Booklet Form Code MUST match the Form Code on the Answer Document Example: If the student booklet has a on the front cover Form D, then the Form Code on the answer document MUST be filled in “D”  All Makeups will use Form “R” and mark “R” on answer document  IMPORTANT: To ensure that student booklet form matches answer document form code, have student write name on back side of Test Booklet

36 Dates for Future Trainings The March trainings for AIMS/CCSA/Stan 9 will be held in the Maroon Rm at 1010 from 3:30 – 4:30 High School March 1 Elem/Mid March 2 Elem/Mid March 3 Please notify Bert which training you will be attending

37 How to Access this Presentation  This presentation along with information referred to in the presentation can be found by going into the TUSD Intranet Website: And then link to Other Information: Resources

38 Yea --- We did it! Thanks for your participation today and taking so much of your valuable time to help your site with testing!