Designing a fair test.


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Presentation transcript:

Designing a fair test

Which flame of the Bunsen burner is hotter? Designing a fair test Which flame of the Bunsen burner is hotter? Blue flame? Yellow flame?

1 What is your hypothesis ? Designing a fair test 1 What is your hypothesis ? The blue flame is than the yellow flame. hotter

2 Based on your hypothesis, what is your prediction ? Designing a fair test 2 Based on your hypothesis, what is your prediction ? If the blue flame is than the yellow flame, water will reach boiling . hotter faster

3 You have the following apparatus. Designing a fair test 3 You have the following apparatus.

How will you carry out the experiment ? Designing a fair test How will you carry out the experiment ? I will... heat water in a beaker with a flame until it boils, blue heat water in another beaker with a flame until it boils. yellow

to measure the time for the water in the two beakers to boil. Designing a fair test 4 What will you measure ? I will use a... to measure the time for the water in the two beakers to boil. stop-watch

5 What will you do to make sure that the test is fair ? Designing a fair test 5 What will you do to make sure that the test is fair ? I will use Bunsen burner to boil the water in the two beakers. the same I will put amount of water at temperature into the two beakers. equal the same Same gas supply Stop timing as soon as the water boils.

6 How will you draw your conclusion ? Designing a fair test 6 How will you draw your conclusion ? The flame that takes a shorter time to boil water is . hotter