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Diffusion Experiment.

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Presentation on theme: "Diffusion Experiment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Diffusion Experiment

2 Question How does temperature effect the rate of diffusion?

3 Test See how long it takes for a drop of food coloring to diffuse at different temperatures.

4 Chart Setting Diffusion Time Stirring 200 C 250 C 300 C 350 C

5 Equipment 250 ml beaker Hot plate Food coloring Temperature Probe

6 Safety Goggles Needed because we are working with liquids
Using hot plate Watch hands and arms around the hot plate No horseplay Pick up the beaker by the top from the hotplate

7 20 degrees Celsius Fill beaker with 100 ml of water
Let the water sit for 1 minute Turn the hot plate on 2 Set the beaker on the hot plate until it reaches 200 C Add 1 drop of food coloring Time how long it takes for the food coloring to diffuse evenly and record in the chart

8 25 degrees Celsius Fill beaker with 100 ml of water (be sure to completely rinse out the food coloring) Let the water sit for 1 minute Turn the hot plate on 2 Set the beaker on the hot plate until it reaches 250 C Add 1 drop of food coloring Time how long it takes for the food coloring to diffuse evenly and record in the chart

9 30 degrees Celsius Fill beaker with 100 ml of water (be sure to completely rinse out the food coloring) Let the water sit for 1 minute Turn the hot plate on 2 Set the beaker on the hot plate until it reaches 300 C Add 1 drop of food coloring Time how long it takes for the food coloring to diffuse evenly and record in the chart

10 35 degrees Celsius Fill beaker with 100 ml of water (be sure to completely rinse out the food coloring) Let the water sit for 1 minute Turn the hot plate on 2 Set the beaker on the hot plate until it reaches 350 C Add 1 drop of food coloring Time how long it takes for the food coloring to diffuse evenly and record in the chart Turn off hotplate

11 Stirring Fill beaker with 100 ml of water (make sure to completely rinse out beaker) Let the water sit for 1 minute Add 1 drop of food coloring and stir the water gently as you add it Time how long it takes for the food coloring to diffuse evenly

12 Clean Up Check to make sure hotplate is off Rinse out beakers
Wipe up any spills Put cap on food coloring Return equipment Return goggles

13 Conclusion Was the rate of diffusion faster for higher temperatures?
Why? How was this related to stirring the water?

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