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Skeleton System.

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1 Skeleton System

2 Bone Trivia Smallest bone? Longest bone? Flattest bone?
Middle Ear Longest bone? Femur Flattest bone? Sternum Most fractured bone? Clavicle Most numerous bones in one area? Hand and foot = 28 bones each

3 Functions of the Skeleton
206 Bones in the human adult body Framework Support body’s muscles, fat, and skin Protection Surround vital organs to protect them

4 Functions of the Skeleton
Levers Attach to muscles to help provide movement Storage Store most of our calcium supply Hemopoiesis Produces both red and white blood cells in the red marrow

5 Long Bones

6 ANATOMY OF A BONE Epiphysis Diaphysis Articular Cartilage
End of a long bone Diaphysis Shaft of the bone Articular Cartilage “End caps” of the bone covering the epiphysis Shock absorber of a joint

7 Knee

8 ANATOMY OF A BONE Periosteum Tough fibrous outer covering of the bone
Necessary for bone growth, repair, and nutrition Osteoblasts: special cells that form new bone tissue

9 ANATOMY OF A BONE Sponge Bone “Lattice” structure
Resists the stresses of our weight Contains RED MARROW Red Marrow Produces red and white blood cells Found in long, flat bones such as: humerus, femur, sternum, ribs, and cranium

10 ANATOMY OF A BONE Medullary cavity or canal
Contains YELLOW MARROW, which in adults, contains fat Nutrient artery

Axial skeleton Forms main trunk of the body, Composed of the skull, spinal column, ribs, and sternum Appendicular skeleton Forms extremities (arms, legs, shoulder girdle, pelvic girdle)

Structure that surrounds and protects the brain Has eight bones Frontal = forms the forehead Two Parietal = roof and sides of the skull Two Temporal = houses the ears Occipital = forms the base of the skull Ethmoid = located between the eyes and forms part of the nose Sphenoid = looks like a bat, key bone of the skull because all other bones connect to it


FONTANELS: At birth, the cranium is not solid bone “Soft spots” allow for the enlargement of the skull as brain growth occurs Turns into solid bone by about 18 months of age SINUSES: air spaces in the bones of the skull that act as resonating chambers for the voice FORAMINA: openings in bones that allow nerves and blood vessels to enter or leave the bone SUTURES: Areas where cranial bones have joined together

15 14 Facial Bones 5 Nasal 2 Maxilla – upper jaw
forms your nose 2 make the bridge 1 makes septum 2 make the side walls of the nasal cavity 2 Maxilla – upper jaw 2 Lacrimal – inner aspect of eyes, contains tear ducts 2 Zygomatic – cheek bones 2 Palatine – two bones of hard palate (roof) of mouth 1 Mandible – lower jaw, only movable bone in the face


17 Axial Skeleton = Spinal Column
Spinal column made of 26 bones called vertebrae Provides support for the head Place for the ribs to attach

18 Vertebrae 7 Cervical = neck
12 Thoracic = back of chest, attach to ribs 5 Lumbar = lower back 1 Sacrum = made up of 5 fused bones, pelvic girdle 1 Coccyx = 4 fused bones, tailbone

19 INTERVERTEBRAL DISKS Pads of cartilage tissue that separate vertebrae
Act as shock absorbers Permit bending and twisting movements of vertebral column

20 Ribs 12 pairs Attach to thoracic vertebrae on dorsal surface of body
True Ribs- 1st 7 pairs-attach directly to sternum on front of body False ribs-next 5 pairs- the 1st 3 pairs attach to cartilage of rib Floating ribs-last 2 pairs- no attachment on front of body

21 JOINTS Area where two or more bones join together
Articulation: “a jointed state”, a joint Ligaments are connective tissue bands that hold long bones together Main types Ball and socket joints- freely movable Example: Shoulder and hip Hinge joints Example: elbows and knees Slightly movable Example: Ribs Immovable Example: Cranium

22 Diseases of the Skeleton system
Arthritis Involves the inflammation of the joint Two main types Osteoarthritis (bones and joints inflamed) Rheumatoid Arthritis (autoimmune disorder that inflames the joints)

23 Diseases of the Skeleton system
Osteoarthritis Occurs with aging Symptoms are joint pain, stiffness, aching, limited ROM (range of motion) Treatment Rest Heat/cold applications Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) Steroid injections Special exercises – physical therapy Joint replacement

24 Diseases of the Skeleton system
Rheumatoid arthritis Worse of the two inflammatory diseases of the joints Autoimmune (the body attacking itself) disease of connective tissues and joints Often begins between the ages of 35-45 3 times more common in women than men Progressive attacks cause scar tissue formation and atrophy of bone and muscle tissue These “attacks” may cause deformity and immobility

25 Diseases of the Skeleton system
Rheumatoid Arthritis – Treatment Similar treatment as osteoarthritis Rest Heat/cold applications Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) Steroid injections Special exercises – physical therapy Joint replacement Additional medication choices such as methotrexate or gold salts

26 Bursitis Inflammation of the bursae: small, fluid-filled sacs surrounding the joints Symptoms: severe pain, limited movement, and fluid accumulation in the joint Treatment: Pain medication Steroid injections Aspirating fluid PT

27 Bursitis

28 Fractures-a crack or break in the bone
Greenstick- bone is bent and splits causing a crack-common in children Simple- complete break with no damage to skin Compound- break in bone that ruptures through the skin: increased chance of infection Impacted- broken bone ends jam into each other

29 Fractures-a crack or break in the bone
Comminuted- bone fragments or splinters into more than two pieces Spiral- severe twisting of a bone causes one or more breaks: common in skiing or skating accidents Depressed- broken piece of skull bone moves inward: common with severe head injuries

30 Fracture Types

31 Fracture Types

32 Cast

33 Reduction Definition: Process by which bone is put back into proper alignment Closed reduction- position bone in alignment, usually with traction, and apply cast or splint to maintain position Open reduction- surgical repair of bone, and at times, insertion of pins, plates, and other devices.

34 Dislocation Bone is forcibly displaced from a joint
Frequently occurs in shoulders, fingers, knees, and hips Reduced and immobilized with splint, cast, or traction

35 Sprain Twisting action tears ligaments at a joint
Common sites are wrists and ankles Symptoms Pain, swelling, discolorations, limited movement Treatment RICE- Rest, Ice, Compression, and elevation

36 Osteoporosis The thinning of bone tissue and loss of bone density over time. The most common type of bone disease. currently about 10 million Americans suffering from osteoporosis about 20% of American women over the age of 50 have osteoporosis Occurs when the body fails to form enough new bone, or when too much old bone is reabsorbed by the body, or both

37 Osteoporosis Risk Factors
Women who are white, especially those with a family history of osteoporosis, have a greater risk of developing osteoporosis Other risk factors smoking, eating disorders, low body weight, low amount of calcium in the diet, heavy alcohol consumption, early menopause, use of certain medications, such as steroids and anticonvulsants

38 Osteoporosis Treatment
Treatments focus on slowing down or stopping bone loss, & preventing bone fractures Drugs Fosamax, Raloxifene, HRT, Calcitonin Exercise increases bone density Diet Include adequate calcium, vitamin D, proteins Stop unhealthy habits Quit smoking, limit alcohol Prevent falls

39 Aging Bone

40 Abnormal Curvatures of Spine
Kyphosis-hunchback or rounded bowing of the back at the thoracic area.

41 Abnormal Curvatures of Spine
Scoliosis- side to side or lateral curvature

42 Abnormal Curvatures of Spine
Lordosis-swayback or abnormal inward curvature of lumbar vertebrae

43 Abnormal Curvatures of Spine
CAUSE: Poor posture, congenital defects, structural defects of vertebrae, malnutrition, degeneration of vertebrae TREATMENT Therapeutic exercises Firm mattresses Braces Surgical repair for severe deformities

44 Herniated Disc

45 Herniated Disk Also called a slipped or ruptured disk
Symptoms: severe pain, muscle spasms, impaired movement, and/or numbness Treatment: Medications: Pain, anti-inflammatory, muscle relaxant Rest Traction Physical Therapy Massage Therapy Chiropractic Treatments Heat and/or cold applications Laminectomy: surgical removal of the protruding disk

46 Gout Gout is a type of arthritis caused by too much uric acid in the blood Symptoms: swelling, tenderness, redness, and sharp pain usually in your big toe Treatment: Medications: anti-inflammatory (not aspirin), steroid injections, medications to decrease the amount of uric acid Prevention: Manage weight Limit alcohol use – especially beer Limit meat and seafood intake (purines: a chemical compound that breaks down into uric acid)

47 Gout

48 X-ray

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