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Not just a myth.. First, lets break down the term, Sexually Transmitted Diseases. Sexually is through the process of sexual acts or intercourse. Transmitted.

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Presentation on theme: "Not just a myth.. First, lets break down the term, Sexually Transmitted Diseases. Sexually is through the process of sexual acts or intercourse. Transmitted."— Presentation transcript:

1 Not just a myth.

2 First, lets break down the term, Sexually Transmitted Diseases. Sexually is through the process of sexual acts or intercourse. Transmitted is transferred, passed or given to another person. Diseases are any abnormal condition affecting the body. All together, we have an abnormal condition that is given to another person during sex. What are Sexually Transmitted Diseases? (STDs)

3 The actual definition of STD is: “infections that can be transferred from one person to another through any type of sexual contact.” Basically, an STD is no different from any other virus or bacteria you get, except in the manner in which you contract it. What are STDs?

4 There are three categories of STDs. Viral Bacterial Protozoa/other organisms What types of STDs are there?

5 Herpes Genital Warts Viral Hepatitis Viral STDs

6 Chlamydia Gonorrhea Nongonococcal Urethritis Syphilis Bacterial STDs

7 Bacterial Vaginosis Candidiasis Tichomoniasis Public Lice Scabies AIDS Protozoa/Other Organisms

8 Viral STDs

9 Caused by Herpes Simplex Virus Causes chickenpox HSV-1 and HSV-2 transmitted through sexual contact HSV-1 usually presents as a cold sore (oral herpes) HSV-2 presents on the genital area Herpes

10 Oral herpes affects 100 million Americans Genital herpes affects 45 million Americans Sores present indicate a person is highly contagious Condoms can minimize the risk, but do not prevent transmission! Herpes


12 Caused by a virus called Human Papillomavirus (HPV) More than 100 types of HPV, half cause genital infections Most common viral STD in in the U.S. Vaccine available to prevent some types of HPV, named Gardasil Genital Warts


14 Viral hepatitis affects the function of the liver. It is better known as Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, and Hepatitis C. Each of these strains is different. Hepatitis A is common and often transmitted through sexual activity or sharing of needles. The treatment includes bed rest and plenty of fluids. The virus usually takes its course in a matter of weeks or months. Viral Hepatitis

15 Hepatitis B is often transmitted through sharing of needles, sexual activity, or bodily fluid. Hepatitis B usually runs its course much like Hepatitis A. However, it can become chronic and require treatment with antivirals. Hepatitis C is the most health-threatening and, therefore, has captured the attention of the health officials in the United States. It is transmitted most commonly through needle-sharing by infected users. Hepatitis C causes half of all liver cancers and is the most common reason for liver transplants. Viral Hepatitis


17 Bacterial STDs

18 Caused by Chlamydia trachomatis (bacterial microorganism) Causes a diverse group of genital infections Common cause of preventable blindness Most common bacterial STD in the United States. Chlamydia causes PID, pelvic inflammatory disease. PID can cause infertility. Chlamydia


20 Referred to in slang as “the clap”. Second most reported condition, trailing Chlamydia. More than 700,000 new cases are reported each year. Male symptoms include cloudy discharge and burning urination. Female symptoms include vaginal discharge and burning urination. Treatment includes a round of antibiotics for the person and their partners. Gonorrhea


22 Any inflammation of the urethra except those caused by Gonorrhea. Common among men, occurs more frequently than Gonorrhea. Produces urinary tract symptoms in men. Women carry the organisms that can cause NGU. Women are generally unaware until their male partner is diagnosed. Treatment includes antibiotics. Nongonococcal Urethritis


24 The CDC planned to eliminate Syphilis in the U.S. near the end of the 20 th century. However, the rates have recently risen. Includes primary, secondary, latent and tertiary phases. In the primary phase, a chancre (sore) appears and remains for 3-6 weeks. After the sore disappears, the disease progresses to the secondary phase. Secondary phase, 2-8 weeks after exposure, a skin rash appears. Usually the rash is on the palms of the hand and soles of the feet. Syphilis

25 Secondary phase usually retreats within a few weeks, progressing to the latent phase. Latent stage can last for several years, with no symptoms. 15% of individuals who are not treated, enter into the tertiary stage. This stage can result in death and occurs 10 to 20 years after the initial infection. Death usually results from heart failure, blindness, liver damage, skin ulcers and severe mental disturbance. Syphilis


27 Protozoa/Other Organisms

28 Caused by replacement of lactobacilli, the normal microorganism, with another type of microorganism, such as Mycoplasma bacteria. Moderate levels of these microorganisms is normal. If lactobacilli levels are decreased, other microorganisms can grow. Most common symptom is foul smelling vaginal discharge. Treatment is topical cream for females, no treatment for males. Bacterial Vaginosis


30 Commonly referred to as a yeast infection. 75% of women will have at least one candidiasis infection in their lifetime. Similar to Bacterial Vaginosis, Candidiasis only occurs when an overgrowth of yeast is allowed to occur. Symptoms include a white, clumpy discharge, intense itching and soreness. Several treatments exist for Candidiasis, so it is important to visit your physician to determine which one is right for you. Candidiasis


32 Caused by Trichomonas vaginalis. Common STD in men and women. 7-8 million new cases occur each year. Women suffer from abundant vaginal discharge, inflammation and soreness. Men suffer from frequent or painful urination and possible slight discharge. Treatment is a pill taken orally. Trichomoniasis


34 Commonly called “Crabs” Adult lice are visible to the naked eye. Can be transmitted to the armpits or scalp. Symptoms included itching and irritation. Lotions and creams can be used to treat the lice. It is important to also clean the sheets and clothing that was worn previously. Pubic Lice


36 Caused by a tortoise-shaped parasitic mite. Average infected person has 5-15 live adult female mites. Sexually active persons, schoolchildren and elderly are at risk for scabies. Infections include rash and intense itching. Treatment is applying a scabicide from head to toe and leaving it on for 8 hours. Scabies


38 Most serious disease pandemic of our time. AIDS is caused by HIV, a retrovirus. HIV is thought to have come from a chimpanzee in the early 20 th century who had a similar retrovirus. The transfer most likely came from eating or coming in contact with the blood during hunting. HIV targets CD4 lymphocytes, which coordinate the body’s immune system. HIV/AIDS

39 Over 1 million cases of AIDS have been reported in the U.S. alone. More than 570,000 people have died of the disease in the U.S. 34 million people worldwide are infected. 2 risk exposure categories: MSM and injection drug users. HIV is transmitted through semen, blood, vaginal secretions, urine, breast milk and saliva. Incubation of AIDS takes 8-10 years. Only treatment is HAART, highly active antiretroviral therapy. Only way to prevent HIV/AIDS is through avoiding sexual contact. HIV/AIDS


41 n/article.htm “Our Sexuality” Robert Crooks & Karla Baur, 2011 Works Cited

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