Ms. Panek’s Class Room 131: 8 th Grade Math Take Out a Notebook and Begin on the Do Now: ~What are your goals for the coming school year (not just in math)?


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Presentation transcript:

Ms. Panek’s Class Room 131: 8 th Grade Math Take Out a Notebook and Begin on the Do Now: ~What are your goals for the coming school year (not just in math)? ~Is there anything major you’d like to accomplish this year?

Welcome! Here are some common first day questions:  What will I be doing this year?  Math! …Just Kidding! The daily agenda will always be posted on the board so you can see what we are doing each day!

Another Question..  What supplies will I need for this class?  2 Notebooks  1 Folder  Pencils (NO PENS!!!)  But Ms. Panek! What if I forget a pencil?  You may trade a pencil for either your cellphone or a shoe and you must bring the pencil back in GOOD CONDITION in order to get it back

More Questions!  How will I be graded?  54%- Exits Tickets, Quizzes, Homework, etc.  36%- Tests, Projects, etc.  10%- Midterm Exam

Last Question:  Who is this lady standing at the front of my class?!

Ms. Panek’s Guidelines  Guidelines are general Rules that apply to this classroom and must be followed to ensure this classroom is running properly!

Guideline #1  Students need to be in their assigned seat working quietly on the Do Now when the bell rings to avoid being counted tardy.

Guidelines #2  No eating, drinking (with the exception of bottled water), or SLEEPING in class!

Guideline #3  Be respectful of others and be on task!  Do not talk out of turn  Be working on the given assignment  Stay off technology unless directed to use it

Guideline #4  Be sure to follow all the guidelines set in the Northern Granville Middle School Student Parent Handbook. They will be enforced.  Including:  Tardy Policy  Dress Code  Cell Phones

Always Remember to:  BE PREPARED- with all materials  HAVE RESPECT- at all times to the instructor, your classmates, and YOURSELF  DO YOUR BEST- ask questions, participate in class, and make a difference

Consequences 1. Warning #1 2. Warning #2 3. Move to Quiet Zone/ Stand Up if Sleeping 4. Lunch Detention or Loss of Patio Time 5. Refocus *Ms. Panek reserves the right to jump ahead at any time if she deems it necessary

Rewards  If the class beats the weekly goal of an 80% on exit tickets, the class will receive a prize.  Students will be rewarded individually for going above and beyond, making good improvement, or being a good Samaritan.

Classroom Procedures  A procedure is the way we do things.  It is not a rule, so you will not be punished or rewarded for doing it. It’s just how we make this classroom run!  To make things work we must follow procedures. For example:  To open your locker, you have to select your combination as directed by the lock manufacturer.  To cook a delicious meal, you need to follow the steps in the recipe.  To place a call on your phone, you need to dial the number in the right order.  The Classroom is no different. To learn, we must have procedures!

Entrance  Enter QUIETLY  Sit in you assigned seat  Take out materials  Review daily agenda  Begin assigned Do Now!

Getting Your Attention  There will be times when you will be working in groups or individually and I will need the attention of the class.  I will:  Raise my Hand in the air  You will:  Get quiet  Raise your hand and face me  Wait for instructions

Instructional Time  Please raise your hand when you have a question and response.  Do not talk while anyone else is talking  Please do not interrupt with unrelated questions  Follow Instructions completely before beginning your task

Finishing Classwork Early  You may quietly read a book  You may work on other assignments FOR THIS COURSE or make-up work  You may ask for and work on extra credit  You may NOT talk or be out of your seat.

Exiting  Before leaving class, students will receive questions for an Exit Ticket to gauge comprehension on the day’s objective.  Exit tickets will be completed in a separate notebook from the one the student takes notes in.  Ms. Panek will collect Exit Ticket Notebooks as students are leaving the room.

Bathroom  Fill out all the necessary info on a pass and wait for me to come over and sign it  I may ask you to wait until a more convenient time to ask again  NOTE: If it is an emergency please just leave the room and explain later, I would hate for anyone to get sick in class!

Moving Around the Room  When Ms. Panek is instructing or during a class discussion:  Do not get up and move around the room.  Raise your hand and ask to sharpen a pencil, get a tissue, etc.  During Class Work:  You may get up to sharpen a pencil, get a tissue, etc. without asking  NOTE: THIS IS A PRIVALAGE. DO NOT ABUSE IT! (i.e. Talking to people on the way, being disruptive, etc.)

Absences  Check with me AFTER class or during patio time to see if you have make up work.  I will give you a date that all back work must be turned in by.  I may have a copy of the notes or find a friend to get the notes from.

Have a Wonderful Year!  I KNOW that each and every one of you has what it takes to succeed in this class, and I hope that you adapt the same attitude!

Shoulder Partner Interview (Pick 2) 1. If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would do and why? 2. What’s the #1 most played song on your phone? Aka what is your jam? 3. If you knew the world was ending in 2014, what would you do differently? 4. You just came in contact with some extreme radiation and you’ve become a superhero/supervillain for a day, what is your superpower what are you going to do? 5. If you were reincarnated as an animal/food/ice cream flavor what would it be and why?

Exit Ticket 1. Your Full Name 2. A Parent/Guardians Full Name and Phone Number 3. Your spirit animal (if you don’t know, we’re definitely going to find out!) 4. Favorite Candy 5. How can I help you achieve your goals this year? 6. Anything else I should know about you?