Buckden Towers 4 th – 8 th July 2011. Buckden Towers Year 5 Residential Trip 2011 Reasons for taking the children to Buckden To encourage team building.


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Presentation transcript:

Buckden Towers 4 th – 8 th July 2011

Buckden Towers Year 5 Residential Trip 2011 Reasons for taking the children to Buckden To encourage team building and cooperation. To allow the children to develop skills in organisation. To give the children an opportunity to reside in a rural environment. To enhance spirituality through religious activities. To carry out activities within Outdoor education. But mainly..... because it’s great fun!!!

How much does it cost? The cost of this trip is £50 per child. Buckden charge us per night for each child. We also have to buy food and drink for the children and pay for the cost of the coach to and from Buckden.

When do the Children go? The first group of children from 5T will leave school at 9:30pm on Monday 4 th July and will return on Wednesday 6 th July around 12:30pm The second group of children from 5Q will leave school on the morning of Wednesday 6 th July and will return on Friday 8 th July again around 12.30pm Both groups can be collected as soon as they return to school or they can remain in our care until the end of the school day.

Which staff will be going? Group 1 Miss L Thorogood Mr J Alexander Mrs E Visser + 3 other members of staff Group 2 Miss P Quigley Mr J Alexander Mrs E Visser + 3 other members of staff

Where do the children sleep? The children will be sleeping in dormitories in the tower. There is one dormitory for the girls and one for the boys. The children sleep in bunk beds and at least one male member of staff will be sleeping in a room next to the boys’ dormitory and at least one female member of staff in a room next to the girls’ dormitory. There are toilets, washing basins and showers in the dormitories too.

Where do the children eat? The children eat in a dining room which is attached to the kitchens. The eating area is in the basement of the tower. It is kept very clean and there is plenty of room for both staff and children to eat comfortably.

What will the children eat? Menu Day 1 Lunch - Packed Lunch brought from home. Dinner - Shepherd’s Pie, jacket potato, salad or beans. Jelly & Ice-cream. Bedtime – Hot drinks and biscuits. Day 2 Breakfast - Cereals and Toast, fruit juice. Lunch - Sandwiches, crisps, fruit, biscuit, Juice Dinner - Pasta based meal, garlic bread Fruit salad in natural juice and cream. Bedtime – Hot drinks and biscuits. Day 3 Breakfast - Cereals and Toast, fruit juice. Lunch - Either at school or at home. The children will also have various snacks and drinks during the day should they be thirsty and hungry. This menu is a sample and is subject to change. We can cater for any special dietary requirements as long as we are informed before hand.

What do the children do? Programme for the trip Day – Arrive at school, register taken, luggage checked – Board coach for Buckden – Arrive at Buckden Towers. 1115– Tour of the facilities, rules at Buckden and Health and Safety discussion – Settle into dormitories. Organise beds – Lunch time in Kings Room 1300 – Activities begin. (Children in 4 groups) 4 different activities going on at once. Children rotate. ─ Activity 1 -Art (Drawing Part of Buckden Towers) ─ Activity 2 - Buckden Activity Books ─ Activity 3 - Team activities (e.g. football rounders etc) ─ Activity 4 - Dance Workshop.

What do the children do? Programme for the trip 1300 – Activity 1345 – Activity – Break time (Juice and biscuits) 1500 – Activity 1545 – Activity 1630 – Presentation of dances or drama 1715 – Free time outdoors while dinner is prepared – Dinner 1915 – Free time while clearing up is done – Treasure Hunt around Buckden Grounds – Complete diaries for the day in the Kings Room Forest walk around the grounds at Buckden 2300 – Hot drinks, prayers and reflection on the day and bed

Programme for the trip Day – Children wake up and get washed and dressed. Fire drill – Breakfast time 0945 – Free time while clearing up is done and lunch is prepared Country walk and visit to the park in Buckden 1330 – Lunch time back at Buckden Towers

Programme for the trip 1415 – Preparation for Mass 1500 – Rounders game 1630 – Free time. Finishing off of any activities from yesterday – Dinner Time – Free time while clearing up is done – Evening activity organised by class teacher – Video in the Kings Room – During video, bedtime drink – Bedtime! 2245 – Lights out!

Programme for the trip Day – Children wake up and get washed & dressed 0830 – Breakfast 0915 – Children to pack all of their belongings and bring down to King’s room – Inspection of dormitories – Mass in Chapel – Board Coach for return – Leave Buckden – Arrive back at school.

What do the children need to bring? The children will need: A sleeping bag and pillow Night clothes. 4 x T – Shirts 3 x Sweatshirts / jumpers 3 x pairs of trousers / shorts Underwear. Plimsolls for indoors Trainers Comfortable walking shoes. Rucksack for long walk. Tooth brush / Toothpaste Wash kit and towels

What not to bring! St. Joseph’s Junior School will not be responsible for any lost or misplaced items of clothing etc whilst at Buckden Towers. It is the responsibility of the children to look after their belongings. Children should NOT bring any electrical equipment e.g. CD Players, iPODs, Mobile phones, MP3 players and electronic games. The children will not need to bring money.

Pictures – The chapel we use for Mass

Pictures – The long country walk