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Holt Hall Residential Visit 17 th – 19 th June 2015.

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1 Holt Hall Residential Visit 17 th – 19 th June 2015

2 Holt Hall Holt Hall can accommodate up to 65 students There will be 22 pupils from Worstead with Ms Chapman, Mrs Potter and myself. At the moment we are the only school staying in the Hall but there may be a group using the camp site and other courses running in the grounds.

3 Activities Our programme is be generally as detailed in the letter; studying shore habitats at West Runton; exploring underwater life in the lake at Holt Hall; problem solving activities and orienteering. There are also other activities we can take part in such as the bat walk, games and trails. There is a range of games and equipment for the children to borrow and we will also take a selection from school.

4 Meals Our meals will be the same or similar to those on the menu sheet. Pupils can choose the filling for their sandwiches and the kitchen staff are extremely accommodating. There is a dining room where we will eat together. If the weather is fine, a barbecue will be cooked for us and the packed lunches are served outside too.

5 Dormitories There are nine dormitories sleeping between 2 and 10 pupils and 8 staff bedrooms. There is a mixture of beds and bunks and cupboards for clothes and belongings. Pupils can suggest who they would prefer to share with and rooms will be allocated nearer the time.

6 Kit List The kit list you have been given covers what the children need to have. Indoor shoes need to be practical. We will confirm the itinerary and check the weather forecast just before the visit.

7 Wednesday 17 th June arrangements Children should come to school at the normal time in outdoor clothes. They should leave their bags on the playground (or outside classroom if wet) They should hand any medication and spending money to Ms Chapman, Mrs Potter or myself. These need to be clearly labelled. We will leave for Holt Hall at about 0945.

8 Contact Pupils should not have mobile phones with them. We will not contact you unless it is necessary. You have the contact details for Holt Hall and the number of the school mobile which we will be carrying. If your child needs to speak to you, we will make arrangements for him/her to do so.

9 And finally…. We expect pupils to listen to and follow instructions, be polite and respectful to each other, Holt Hall staff and other visitors. We will expect pupils to settle at night and allow others to sleep. If a child’s behaviour is affecting the well- being of others, they will have to be collected in the evening and brought back for breakfast.

10 Thank you. Please ensure you have handed in all the necessary forms. Any other questions? Please feel free to speak to staff if you have any concerns.

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