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29th January – 2nd February 2018

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1 29th January – 2nd February 2018
Ingleborough Hall 29th January – 2nd February 2018

2 Ingleborough Hall Ingleborough Hall outdoor activity centre is situated in the village of Clapham on the edges of Ingleborough Hill. The outdoor activity centre has 106 bedrooms, 4 classrooms, two dining rooms and a number of breakout rooms for different activities. It provides a variety of activities for children and adults that they would not normally be able to have a go at. The trained instructors are skilled, welcoming and adaptable to ensure that every child is able to achieve.

3 Activities Ingleborough offers a variety of activities the activities that we will be doing are as follows: - Walking Tree climbing Gorge scrambling Caving Norber walk Orienteering Showcaves

4 Accommodation The bedrooms that we have been allocated sleep a maximum of 6 children in each. The adult rooms are situated in each of the areas close to the children’s rooms. Each of the bedrooms has a ‘pod’ attached to them that has a shower and toilet in it. There are additional showers and toilets on the corridors. The children will keep all of their outdoor gear, including their shoes in the boots rooms on the ground floor so will need indoor shoes The dining rooms are for family dining where the children will be served with food but will set up and clear away their own tables

5 Timetable Monday 8am – Arrive at school
8.30 – 9am Leave school on the coaches 11am – Arrive at Ingleborough Hall Kit issue from Ingleborough Hall Walk to Austwick – lunch whilst walking so all children will need a packed lunch in a disposable bag Welcome talk and Fire evacuation drill 5pm - Evening meal

6 Timetable Tuesday to Thursday – 7am –wake up call 8am – breakfast
9am first activity 12pm – lunchtime 1pm - second activity pm arrive back for showers 5pm evening meal

7 Timetable Friday 7am – wake up call 8am – breakfast
9am - return of kit (all cleaned an tidy) 10 am – board the coach 1.30 – 2pm – return to school

8 Kit list All of you have been provided with a kit list
Ingleborough Hall provide all of the specialist equipment including walking boots, waterproofs and rucksacks and the suits for the caving and climbing Warm comfortable clothes are needed and plenty of them but please do not bring expensive items with you Toiletries and towels are essential The children will all need a packed lunch for the first day and will be provided with a packed lunch for the Friday There is a tuck shop that will be available of certain evenings and there is a shop art the show caves. We ask that the children bring a maximum of £10 in a labelled purse / envelope. There can be no electronic devices brought on the trip but children can bring books, cards, travel games to do in their free time.

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