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Year 3 Sleepovers 4 th – 7 th July 2016 KS2 children please come and sit on the floor at the front.

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Presentation on theme: "Year 3 Sleepovers 4 th – 7 th July 2016 KS2 children please come and sit on the floor at the front."— Presentation transcript:

1 Year 3 Sleepovers 4 th – 7 th July 2016 KS2 children please come and sit on the floor at the front.

2 Why have a Year 3 sleepover? To develop their independence. To enable the children to experience being away from home for one night in a local venue in preparation for further residential visits in years 4, 5 and 6. To allow the children to work independently in a safe and secure outdoor environment.

3 Where will we be staying? Guidewoods is a purpose built residential centre in Hockley owned by Girlguiding Rayleigh. It borders onto Hockley Woods and is a completely enclosed and secure site. It has 2 dormitories sleeping 12 each in bunk beds and 2 rooms for 4 also in bunk beds. The 2 larger dormitories have their own bathrooms with 4 sinks, 2 toilets and 2 showers in each. There also is a large equipped kitchen. All these rooms come off a large hall.


5 Cost The cost for the sleepover will be £15.00. This includes accommodation, food and activities. It does not include transport to and from Guidewoods as we are asking you to bring them to and collect them from Guidewoods. You may be able to share the transport. The money and permission form need to be returned to school as soon as possible.

6 What will the children be doing? We will be doing a variety of activities including: A maths trail A Scavenger hunt A camp fire Circus skills Helping around the house with food preparation, washing up etc.

7 Approximate Timetable 5.00 – 5.30pm Children dropped off by parents 5.30Unpack, set up, lay tables 6.15Dinner 7.00Wash up 7.30Campfire 8.15Bedtime drink (hot chocolate) – get ready for bed 9.00Bed & lights out

8 7.30Get up, wash & dress 8.00Early morning sports outside (skipping ropes, balls etc) 8.30Breakfast 9.00Wash up 9.30Morning activities 11.00 Mid morning drink/fruit Continue activities 12.00Get ready for lunch 12.15Lunch 12.45Wash up 1.00Pack up bedding and bags 1.15Afternoon activities 2.30Afternoon drink/biscuit 3.30 – 4.00pm Parents collect

9 Sample Menu Breakfast Cereal, Sausage & beans/spaghetti, Bread/toast & jam or Marmite Lunch Rolls, ham, turkey slices, cheese, cucumber, tomatoes, coleslaw, crisps Fruit/yoghurt/cake Dinner Pasta bolognaise Fresh fruit flans & ice cream/‘squirty’ cream

10 Kit List – to be packed in a small bag/backpack Sleeping bag or duvet Sheet Pillow & pillow case Night clothes Teddy bear Indoor shoes/slippers Outdoor shoes/ wellies Waterproof coat Clean socks and underwear Jeans/old trousers T-shirt Jumper Wash bag including soap, toothbrush and toothpaste Towel Hair brush and hair bands Any medicines/inhalers (in a separate named bag to be given to an adult on arrival) Children do not need to bring school uniform Do not bring any electronic games or mobile phones. Do not bring any food

11 Behaviour You and your child will be asked to sign a behaviour agreement to say that they will: Be well mannered and polite at all times. Do what is asked of them willingly and to the best of their ability. Remember that they are members of a team and will support and help other team members. Observe all safety rules for themselves and others. Show respect for the property of others. We may send home any child who does not behave appropriately.

12 Medical form You will be asked to complete a medical form. This will include information about: Whether your child has any allergies. Whether your child is on any medication and any details. Emergency contact details. This form will need to be returned to school by May half term. If your child has a dietary need please make us aware. E.g. vegetarian

13 Other things to let us know If your child has a medical reason not to sleep on a top bunk. Any other relevant information about your child that we do not already know.

14 Date for each class 3DPMon 4 th July – Tuesday 5 th July 3DS Tuesday 5 th July – Weds 6 th July 3CF Weds 6 th July – Thursday 7 th July

15 Staff 3DP3DS3CF Mrs Tompkinson Mrs Tompkinson Mrs Tompkinson Mr Pascoe Mrs Sullivan Miss Fletcher +2 +2 +2

16 Any Questions?

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