Paris Peace Conference


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Presentation transcript:

Paris Peace Conference June 28, 1919 @ the Palace of Versailles

Britain Prime Minister- David Lloyd George The Big Four Britain Prime Minister- David Lloyd George France- President Georges Clemenceau ‘the tiger’ Italy- President Vittorio Orlando U.S.- President Woodrow Wilson- 14 points David Lloyd George of Britain, Vittorio Orlando of Italy, Georges Clemenceau of France, and Woodrow Wilson of the United States, the principal architects of the Treaty of Versailles.

Lasting Peace President Woodrow Wilson- 14 points Supported Self-determination for all nations Supported a just peace Most important – LEAGUE OF NATIONS – end world war forever and create a “Lasting Peace”

Peace of Vengeance Italy and Britain wanted territory France wanted to punish and weaken Germany

The Treaty of Versailles France and Britain created a SEVERE treaty that punished Germany Germany had to . . . 1. Return Alsace-Lorraine region to France 2. Keep area near French border (Rhineland) demilitarized 3. Pay war reparations of $32 Billion (about $2.7 Trillion today) 4. Turn over their colonies and LIMIT size of military 5. Agree to the WAR GUILT clause Established the League of Nations (Wilson’s goal) But the U.S. didn’t join because… ISOLATIONISTS!!!!