Cancer. Objectives: Cancer Define tumor, malignant, benign, metastasis, and carcinogen. Identify the cancers that cause the most deaths and those highest.


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Presentation transcript:


Objectives: Cancer Define tumor, malignant, benign, metastasis, and carcinogen. Identify the cancers that cause the most deaths and those highest in incidence among women and men. Identify criteria for a person to have a positive family history for cancer. Identify who is at highest risk for the following cancers: breast, colon, prostate, and uterus cancer. List the dietary factors that increase/decrease the risk of cancer. Identify signs or symptoms of breast, prostate, colon cancer. Differentiate between lymphoma, sarcoma, adenoma, and carcinoma Identify the main risk factors, screening methods, and preventive strategies for cancers of the lung, colon, breast, cervix, prostate, and skin. List the components of ABCD Replicate the cancer warning signs (CAUTION).

Define Cancer Unrestricted growth of abnormal cells that develop into a tumor (mass) –Benign does not spread –Malignant spreads to other cells –Metastasis »when cancer spreads to another site

What are the two stages of cancer? 1.Initiation –causes change in DNA Carcinogens, viruses, radiation 2.Promotion –promotes cell division Alcohol, estrogen, injury, cell replacement

What changes occur to cells? Normal cells  hyperplasia –May be a normal or abnormal process Hyperplasia  dysplasia –An abnormal group of cells –May return to normal with time –May increase risk of becoming malignant Dysplasia  carcinoma –Many abnormal cells that may metastasize –If found early removal reduces risk

What are the Types of Cancer? Carcinomas (90% of all cancer) –Epithelial cells (skin, mouth, colon, lungs) Adenomas –Gland (adrenal, prostate, breast) Sarcomas –Bone, muscle, fat Lymphomas –Lymph nodes –Bone marrow (leukemia)

Cancer Risk Factors

Cancer Risk Factors Cont…. Tobacco Dietary Factors Family History Alcohol Viral/Bacterial Infection Environmental Chronic Illness Psychosocial Factors

Cancer Cause and Prevention Lung CA Colorectal CA Breast CA Cervical CA Prostate CA Testicular CA Skin CA Source for most of this information is or

Skin Cancer

Cancer Warning Signs C - change in bowel habits A - a sore that does not heal U - unusual bleeding or discharge T - thickening or lump in breast or elsewhere I - indigestion or difficulty swallowing O - obvious change in wart or mole N - nagging cough or hoarseness

References Mutat Res Jul 15;443(1-2): N-Nitroso compounds in the diet.Mutat Res. Nutr Cancer. 2008;60(2): Processed meat and colorectal cancer: a review of epidemiologic and experimental evidence.Nutr Cancer. J Am Coll Nutr Oct;18(5 Suppl):379S-391S. Dairy foods and prevention of colon cancer: human studies.J Am Coll Nutr. Meat Sci Feb;84(2): Epub 2009 Jun 23. Meat and cancer.Meat Sci. J Am Coll Nutr Oct;18(5 Suppl):379S-391S. Dairy foods and prevention of colon cancer: human studies.J Am Coll Nutr. J Nutr Dec;134(12 Suppl):3463S-3471S. Vitamin D and colon carcinogenesis.J Nutr.