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Non-Communicable Diseases: Cancer

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1 Non-Communicable Diseases: Cancer


3 Non-Communicable Diseases: Cancer
Target: I will be able to describe types, symptoms and treatments of cancer  Cancer: A group of diseases in which cells divide in an uncontrolled manner forming a tumor Tumors: An abnormal growth of tissue that can be benign or malignant Pg. 61

4 Benign: A tumor that is not cancerous and does not spread
Ordinary-looking cells enclosed in a fibrous shell that prevents them from spreading to other body parts

5 Malignant: A tumor that is cancerous and may spread
Not enclosed in protective shells; so they can metastasize to other body parts Metastasis: Cancer cells break away from a malignant tumor and enter the bloodstream or lymphatic system, spreading the cancer to other parts of the body


7 Hereditary factors you have little control over; they are in your genes
Acquired (Environmental) Risk factors you have control over. They include: 1. Tobacco, Alcohol, and Drug use 2. Poor Nutrition 3. Physical Inactivity and Obesity 4. Exposure to certain infectious agents (toxic waste, asbestos, radon, pollution) 5. Exposure to UV rays (sunlight) and X-Rays


9 Classifications of Cancers:
Carcinoma: Cancer of the (epithelial) tissue that forms the skin and linings of the body organs (forms solid tumors)

10 Skin Cancer: The most common form of cancer in the US today which consists of 3 different types (Basal Cell and Squamous Cell- both highly curable, and Melanoma- most deadly)

11 ABCDEs of Melanoma: Asymmetry, Border, Color, Diameter, Evolving

12 Oral and Lung Cancer: Tobacco and excessive use of alcohol = greatest cause
Reproductive Cancers: Cervical, Ovarian, Uterine, Breast, Prostate, Testicular

13 Sarcoma: Cancer that develops in the mesodermal (middle) connective/supportive layers of tissue- such as bones, muscles and tendons (Forms solid tumors) Lymphoma: Cancer of the lymphatic system- the infection fighting regions of the body (Forms solid tumors)

14 Leukemia: Cancer of the blood-forming parts of the body; especially the spleen and bone marrow
A nonsolid tumor characterized by an abnormal increase in white blood cells which weakens the body’s immune system

15 Fill in the blanks on the handout
CAUTION (7 signs of Cancer): Change in bowel or bladder habits A sore that does not heal Unusual bleeding or discharge (bowel, bladder, uterus, or with coughing) Thickening or lump in breast or elsewhere Indigestion or difficulty swallowing Obvious change in a wart or mole Nagging cough or hoarseness

16 Treating Cancer: 1. Surgery: Remove tumors and affected area 2. Radiation: Treatment with high-energy radiation to kill or damage cancer cells. Performed by placing radioactive materials in or near the cancer sight 3. Chemotherapy: Treatment with anti-cancer drugs to help destroy malignant cells without severely damaging healthy cells; keeps cells from dividing Summary

17 Cancer: A close Reading
Complete Cancer: A Close Reading Assignment by reading pages , , and in Health Textbook (packet handed out in class), and completing both sides of the worksheet Pg. 60

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