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Max J. Confucius lived from 551 to 479 B.C.E born in Lu of Eastern china. wanted just a peaceful society According to Confucianism. Confucius deeply.

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2 Max J.

3 Confucius lived from 551 to 479 B.C.E born in Lu of Eastern china. wanted just a peaceful society According to Confucianism. Confucius deeply respected Chinese traditions. Taught people “do not do to others what you would not want done to you”.

4 Made up the five relation ships. People respected people above them. Many students spread his teachings. Older siblings set a good example. Kind, honest, wise, faithful. Five relationships Ruler Subject Husband Wife Father Son Older siblings younger siblings Friend and friend

5 According to Confucius what are the five relationships Ruler Subject Husband Wife Father Son Older siblings younger siblings Friend and friend People should act in those relationships Respect there relatives. Help each other

6 Taoism Laozi Lived in late 500 B.C.E. Some say he’s only a legend He worked at the Zhou court. He came to write Dao De Jing. People to discover to behave. People should live in peace, harmony, agreement and nature. Nature full of opposites life and death or light or darkness. Yin and Yang Yin is Shaded. Yang is sunlit.

7 Rulers Behave Rulers should behave good. Rulers should behave less harshly.

8 Legalism Hanfeizi lived from 280 to 233 B.C.E. He thought Confucian teachings was not the answer. ideas survive today in book named after him, Hanfiezi. Only way to create a strong society is to be more harsh than usual. Many people were put to death for some crimes. Rulers should have absolute power Should trust know one not even family. “He who trust will be controlled by others.” Hanfiezi Qin dynasty applied his teachings. They liked his writings and wanted to build a well organized society. Anyone caught doing something bad was severely punished.

9 Recources History Alive The Ancient World Some pictures from and

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