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Daoism, Legalism & Confucianism Three Philosophies that look at how to get people to behave and how the government should rule the people.

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2 Daoism, Legalism & Confucianism Three Philosophies that look at how to get people to behave and how the government should rule the people.

3 Daoism/Taoism

4 Daoism/Taoism Started by a man named Laozi who lived about 500’s BC Name means “old master” Dao De Jing is the book of Laozi’s teachings

5 Yin and Yang Believed everything in the universe had a life force- a yin and yang- opposites-this universal force guides all things Yin-dark side- is women, moon, things that are still & death Yang-light side-is men, sun, things that move & birth Must keep the yin and the yang balanced

6 Beliefs… Humans do not live in harmony with universal force Each human has to find an individual way Believers accept things the way they are Believers do not want to be involved with government Try to understand nature and live in harmony with government

7 Legalism

8 Legalism Beliefs Believed that people were bad and had to be forced into doing good Believers saw disorder in society Believed society needed strict laws and strong government Harsh punishment used to force people into obeying laws

9 Legalism continued Shang Yang wanted people to report lawbreakers Rulers should reward people who do their duty People should not complain about the government Arrest people who questioned the government Burn books that contain any different ideas

10 Confucianism

11 Confucius and Five Relationships Father & son Elder brother and junior brother Husband and wife Friend and friend Ruler and subject End conflict and have peace in all relationships

12 Confucius's Thoughts on Conduct Confucius, a man, felt that China was full of rude, dishonest people He wanted people to return to having good ethics Believed good conduct and respect began at home

13 Confucius’ Rules for Government Authority should always be respected King should inspire good behavior- not scare people into good behavior Government leaders should set good example

14 Confucius Proverbs A man who has committed a mistake and doesn't correct it is committing another mistake. Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance.

15 Confucius Teachings Confucius traveled all over teaching his ideas His teachings were put into a book called The Analects Most important teaching “filial piety” or treating parents with respect

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