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   N + who/which/that + be Vpp...  N + Vpp...  Tag Question.

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Presentation on theme: "   N + who/which/that + be Vpp...  N + Vpp...  Tag Question."— Presentation transcript:

1    N + who/which/that + be Vpp...  N + Vpp...  Tag Question

2 N + who/which/that + be Vpp...  N + Vpp...  N + who/which/that + be Vpp...  N + Vpp... 1. I have a French friend who/that is named Louis.  I have a French friend named Louis. 2. The cup which/that was broken by Tommy was expensive.  The cup broken by Tommy was expensive. Let’s Try!! 

3 A. 根據句型,合併並改寫下面的句子。第一句 為關係子句,第二句為簡化的過去分詞片語。 第一題為範例。 1. Yesterday, I bought a beautiful dress. The beautiful dress was made in France.  Yesterday, I bought a beautiful dress that/ which was made in France.  Yesterday, I bought a beautiful dress made in France. Let’s Try!!  

4 2. The man is Amy’s brother. The man was hit by a car.   The man who/that was hit by a car is Amy’s brother. The man hit by a car is Amy’s brother. Let’s Try!!  

5 Let’s Try!! 3. The newspaper has a new column. The new column is called “Men’s Fashion.”   The newspaper has a new column that/which is called Men’s Fashion.” The newspaper has a new column called Men’s Fashion.”  

6 Let’s Try!! 4. The book is very popular. The book was written by Dan Brown.   The book that/which was written by Dan Brown is very popular. The book written by Dan Brown is very popular.  

7 Let’s Try!! 5. The girl is talking to my brother. The girl is dressed in red.   The girl who/that is dressed in red is talking to my brother. The girl dressed in red is talking to my brother. B...  

8 Let’s Try!! B. 根據句型和提示字,完成下列的句子。 第一題為範例。 1. All the products sold in the supermarket (in/the supermarket/sell) are of high quality. 2. Messages (by/send/ e-mail) arrive sooner than messages sent in other ways. sent by e-mail  

9 Let’s Try!! 4. The valuable watch (from/the store/steal) was found by the police yesterday. 3. Children (often/by/encourage/ teachers/their) usually do well in their schoolwork. often encouraged by their teachers stolen from the store  

10 Let’s Try!! 5. The cake (by/make/ Tina) looks very delicious. made by Tina  2... 

11 Tag Question  Tag Question 1. Then you don’t want to talk on the telephone, do you? 2. But you asked me to call you, didn’t you? 3. Susan is the most beautiful girl in our class, isn’t she? 4. You can speak English, can’t you? 5. George and Mary will go on a picnic tomorrow, won’t they? Let’s Try!! 

12 1. Carol is a doctor, ? 2. Mr. Wang went to work by bus yesterday, ? 3. All of us are asked to study hard by our teachers, ? 4. Mary will go to the party, ? A. 請寫出下面句子的附加問句。 isn’t she didn’t he aren’t we won’t she Let’s Try!!  

13 5. Students shouldn’t spend too much time playing online games, ? 6. Andy and Kevin can’t play tennis, ? should they can they Let’s Try!!  B... 

14 B. 以下是Daniel今天的行程表,根據圖片完成 句子並作簡答。現在是中午十二點整,他正 在吃午餐。   Let’s Try  

15 2. A: Daniel got up at seven o’clock, ? B: 3. A: Daniel was doing his homework at 8:30, ? B: 1. A: Daniel is having lunch at twelve o ’ clock, isn ’ t he? B: Yes, he is. didn’t he No, he didn’t. wasn’t he Yes, he was. Let’s Try!!  

16 4. A: Daniel and his sister will clean the house at one o’clock, ? B: 5. A: Daniel won’t go jogging at four o’clock, ? B: Let’s Try!! won’t they Yes, they will. Yes, he will. will he  

17 See you later.

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