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Mr. Liem Jarod DuVall Esquire Sohum Karia Andrew Marcos Gerald Tiu

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1 Mr. Liem Jarod DuVall Esquire Sohum Karia Andrew Marcos Gerald Tiu
Revolutions of 1848 Mr. Liem Jarod DuVall Esquire Sohum Karia Andrew Marcos Gerald Tiu

2 Make sure to go over Napoleon
And his battles, Continental system, decrees, etc.

3 Congress of Vienna to 1848 Review
Who painted Liberty Leading the people? Delacroix

4 Congress of Vienna to 1848 Review
Liberty Leading the people was painted after which revolution? French Revolution of 1830

5 Congress of Vienna to 1848 Review
With whom did the Greeks fight against to win their independence in the Greek Revolution? Ottoman Turks

6 Congress of Vienna to 1848 Review
Who painted this? Delacroix What is it called? Massacre at Chios

7 Congress of Vienna to 1848 Review
Why did many Europeans support the Greeks? Saw it as home of democracy, were in love with classical Greek culture, birthplace of democracy, Russians – stirred by piety of their Orthodox brethren

8 Congress of Vienna to 1848 Review
What Romantic poet fought and died in the Greek Revolution? Lord Byron

9 Congress of Vienna to 1848 Review
What six points did the Chartists demand from parliament? Annual elections held for the House of Commons Universal male suffrage Equal electoral districts Secret ballots Abolition of property qualifications for membership to the House of Commons Pay members of the House of Commons a salary so poor people can serve

10 Congress of Vienna to 1848 Review
Was the Chartist movement successful? No.

11 Congress of Vienna to 1848 Review
What was the right of legitimacy? Restoration of pre-revolutionary absolutist monarchies The principles of legitimacy and compensation were part of the Congress of Vienna louis XVIII

12 Congress of Vienna to 1848 Review
Who crushed the June Days Revolt? Cavaignac What was his nickname? The Butcher Which French Revolution had the June Days? 1848

13 Congress of Vienna to 1848 Review
Which countries made up the holy alliance? Russia, Austria, Prussia

14 Congress of Vienna to 1848 Review
After 1815, what happened to Poland? It was annexed by Russia.

15 Congress of Vienna to 1848 Review
Who was an influential French Utopian Socialist? Count de Saint Simon

16 Congress of Vienna to 1848 Review
What were Charles X’s 4 ordinances? Chamber of Deputies was disbanded Press was censored The amount of people who could vote was reduced An election was to be held for the new Chamber of Deputies What followed the issuance of the 4 Ordinances? The French Rev of 1830

17 Congress of Vienna to 1848 Review
Who was Louis Blanc, what did he want and was he successful? He was an utopian socialist that wanted social workshops in the new French government. He failed.

18 Congress of Vienna to 1848 Review
Who headed the “Second Republic in France”? Louis Napoleon Bonaparte

19 Congress of Vienna to 1848 Review
In which 3 countries were the major revolutions of 1848? Austria, France, Prussia Austrian Revolution French Revolution Riots in Berlin

20 Congress of Vienna to 1848 Review
Who started the Revolution in Austria? Louis Kossuth He was from Hungary

21 Congress of Vienna to 1848 Review
Who was Lamartine? A political republican in France who opposed Louis Blanc Which Revolution was he a part of? France 1848

22 Revolutions of 1830 Review Who replaced Charles X? Louis Phillippe
In which revolution did This happen? 1830 Right: Charles X Left: Louis Phillippe

23 Extra Credit Who is the 0.4 man of 2004? Derek Fisher

24 Revolutions of 1848 Who was overthrown in France in 1848?
Louis Phillippe

25 Congress of Vienna to 1848 Review
Which revolution of 1830 was not successful? Poland Who crushed it? Nicholas I of Russia

26 Congress of Vienna to 1848 Review
Guizot was the foreign minister of which French King Louis Phillipe He was associated Louis Philippe and The Revolution of 1848

27 Congress of Vienna to 1848 Review
The Provisional French government of 1848 was made up of these two types of Republicans Political, Social

28 Congress of Vienna to 1848 Review
This Event was to take place in Paris on February 22, 1848. Banquet What also happened that day? Barricades went up Why did this happen? The government refused to consider electoral reform.

29 Congress of Vienna to 1848 Review
Karl Marx co-authored Communist Manifesto with him: Engels

30 Congress of Vienna to 1848 Review
The word to describe what Marx called the working class Proletariat Whose ideas were Marx’s theory of historical evolution based on? Georg Hegel

31 Congress of Vienna to 1848 Review
The meeting of German liberals to discuss a future United German State Frankfurt Assembly

32 Congress of Vienna to 1848 Review
Who repealed the Corn Laws in 1846? Robert Peel What party did he belong to? Tory

33 Congress of Vienna to 1848 Review
He became the Emperor of Austria in 1848 at the age of 18. Franz Joseph

34 Congress of Vienna to 1848 Review
Who did Franz Joseph replace? Emperor Ferdinand I

35 Congress of Vienna to 1848 Review
Who was in the conspiracy to overthrow Emperor Ferdinand I? Archduchess Sophia, the church, powerful nobles

36 Congress of Vienna to 1848 Review
What countries formed the Quadruple Alliance? Austria, Russia, Prussia, England What was the Quadruple Alliance’s new spirit of cooperation and consultation called? The Concert of Europe

37 Congress of Vienna to 1848 Review
The Final outcome of the Congress of Vienna is known as the: Metternich System Metternich

38 Congress of Vienna to 1848 Review
The Participants of the Congress of Vienna almost came to war as a result of this “question” Polish-Saxon Question

39 Congress of Vienna to 1848 Review
What territory created by the Congress of Vienna replaced the Confederation of the Rhine Germanic Confederation

40 Congress of Vienna to 1848 Review
What newly created Kingdom was created as a buffer against France? Kingdom of the Netherlands

41 Congress of Vienna to 1848 Review
I represented Prussia at the Congress of Vienna. Hardenburg

42 Congress of Vienna to 1848 Review
I represented England at the Congress of Vienna Castlereagh

43 Congress of Vienna to 1848 Review
Which congress arranged for the withdrawal of the allied army from France and allowed France to join the concert of Europe? Congress of Aix-la-Chapelle (1818)

44 Congress of Vienna to 1848 Review
Which congress authorized Austria to end revolutionary changes in the Kingdom of the Two Sicilys? Congress of Laibach (1821)

45 Congress of Vienna to 1848 Review
Which congress was called because of the continuing Spanish revolution and the outbreak of the Greek Revolution? Congress of Verona (1822) Which country withdrew from the Concert of Europe because of it? England

46 Congress of Vienna to 1848 Review
Who replaced Castlereagh? George Canning What American doctrine did he support? Monroe Doctrine

47 Congress of Vienna to 1848 Review
Why did Canning support the Monroe Doctrine? Because he feared Metternich would attempt to restore Spanish colonies What did the Monroe Doctrine state? Prohibited any further colonization and intervention by European powers in the Western Hemisphere

48 Congress of Vienna to 1848 Review
This country stopped the revolution in Poland in 1831. Russia

49 Congress of Vienna to 1848 Review
This law reallocated electorate seats to the urban north of England Reform Bill of 1832

50 Congress of Vienna to 1848 Review
Which prime minister was in office when The Reform Bill of 1832 was passed? Lord Earl Grey What king was in power? William IV

51 Congress of Vienna to 1848 Review
How did Earl Grey get the House of Lords to vote for the Reform Bill of 1832? He threatened to introduce a large number of Whigs into the House of Lords.

52 Congress of Vienna to 1848 Review
These laws placed a high tariff on the imports of grain into England. Corn Laws 1815 What groups supported these laws? Large agricultural producers (Tories) What groups opposed them? Workers, Industrialists

53 Congress of Vienna to 1848 Review
The July revolution in France (1830) followed the issuance of this. The four Ordinances Who issued these? Charles X

54 Congress of Vienna to 1848 Review
This event in England in 1819 demonstrated the division between the government and the working class. Peterloo massacre

55 Congress of Vienna to 1848 Review
What acts were issued in response to the Peterloo Massacre? Six Acts of Parliament What did they attempt to? Repressive measures that attempted to remove the instruments of agitation from the hands of radical leaders and to provide authorities with new powers

56 Congress of Vienna to 1848 Review
This law limited the hours anyone could work and restricted children from working in industry. Factory act, mines act, 10 hours act

57 Congress of Vienna to 1848 Review
Which came first, the great English reform bill or the repeal of the corn laws. Reform Bill of 1832

58 Congress of Vienna to 1848 Review
He refused the “crown from the gutter” Frederick William IV

59 Congress of Vienna to 1848 Review
He called for a Holy Alliance of European nations Czar Alexander I

60 Congress of Vienna to 1848 Review
List the rulers of France in order from Napoleon I to Napoleon III. Louis XVIII Charles X Louis Phillipe Louis Napoleon Bonaparte

61 Congress of Vienna to 1848 Review
What were radical student organizations that were dedicated to the creation of a unified Germany governed by constitutional principles called? Burschenschafts At what festival did the Burschenschafts burn various symbols of authority? Wartbug Festival (1817)

62 Congress of Vienna to 1848 Review
Which member of the Burschenschafts murdered a Russian agent? Karl Sand (1819) Who was the Russian agent? Kotzebue What did Metternich create After all of this? Carlsbad Decrees 1819

63 Congress of Vienna to 1848 Review
After what revolution did Metternich flee Austria? Revolution of 1848 in Austria What groups led that revolution? Students and workers

64 Congress of Vienna to 1848 Review
What happened in 1846, 1848, and 1851 that brought much trouble to Ireland? Potato crops failed – “The Great Famine”

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