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8th grade language arts Mr. Dublin.

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Presentation on theme: "8th grade language arts Mr. Dublin."— Presentation transcript:

1 8th grade language arts Mr. Dublin

2 expectations Follow all rules in the WCPSS Student Handbook.
Follow all NGMS rules and expectations. Follow all team rules. Don’t be late! The tardy policy will be enforced! Use appropriate language and follow the dress code. Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. Be a buddy, not a bully! Respect your teachers and peers.

3 Be Prepared You are expected to bring the following to class each day:
One inch, three ring binder with loose leaf paper Pencil Agenda Colored pencils Glue stick Book currently being read Homework/assignments due

4 Classroom procedures Each day, you will enter the classroom and sit in your assigned seat. You will look at the board to find directions for what to do at the beginning of the class period.

5 Classroom Procedures If any assignments are to be turned in, you will turn them in to the correct folder immediately. If you were absent the previous day, check the “While you were out…” folder for missing assignments. Read that day’s lesson and collect papers.

6 Classroom procedures Complete the required warm up for the day.
After the warm up is completed, you may read quietly or work on another Language Arts assignment while we wait for the transition into our next activity. You may NOT work on assignments from other classes in my Language Arts class!

7 Classroom procedures Homework is always posted on the board under the agenda for the day. It is your responsibility to keep track of due dates!

8 Classroom Procedures Bathroom/locker passes
Each quarter, I will give you three passes to use. These passes can be used to go to the restroom, go to your locker, or go to a previous class to retrieve forgotten items. I will keep track of your passes in my logs. I will sign your agenda to give you permission to leave my classroom. You may not borrow passes from someone else, or loan passes to others. You get three and only three. These passes expire at the end of each quarter. I will not sign a pass if I am in the middle of teaching a lesson.

9 Classroom Procedures Basic Dos and Don’ts…
Do complete all assignments and study for tests and quizzes. Don’t let me hear you say you weren’t aware of due dates or that you forgot about a quiz, test, or project! Do use your three passes per quarter for bathroom/locker breaks. Don’t ask me to use a pass within the first five minutes of class or while I’m teaching a lesson. Do sharpen pencils and turn in assignments before the bell rings. Don’t get up to sharpen your pencil or turn in assignments while I am teaching a lesson. Do be responsible for your own actions! Don’t worry about what anyone else is doing. Your success depends on you and no one else!

10 binders You are expected to bring your Language Arts binder to class every single day. Only Language Arts work is allowed in your Language Arts binder. Do not use your binder for any other class. I will not give you a Table of Contents to help keep your binder organized; organization is your responsibility. However, I will keep an example binder in my classroom to provide a model for how to stay organized. I expect you to keep ALL classroom handouts, notes, tests and quizzes. Do not throw anything away.

11 Absences You are always expected to make up missed work!
It is your responsibility to take the initiative and seek out missed notes/assignments. “While You Were Out” folders contains handouts/notebook materials you may have missed while absent. I am happy to help you catch up on missed work, but YOU must take the initiative to make up missed assignments. Absences DO NOT prevent you from taking tests on their assigned date if I feel you are prepared for the test.

12 Late work Late work = lower grades!
One day late = 85% highest grade possible Two days late = 70% highest grade possible More than two days late = work will NOT be accepted

13 Grading policy 40% 30% 20% 10% Assignment Percentage of grade
Tests/Papers/Projects 40% Classwork 30% Quizzes 20% Homework 10%

14 Quarterly book projects
You will be required to complete one or two book projects each quarter. Your projects should reflect your understanding of two different fiction novels of an appropriate reading level. Due dates will be provided at the beginning of each quarter. More info to come on these assignments this week. Start reading!

15 Reading logs Read minutes each night at least five times per week. Our goal is to be consistently reading 100 minutes every week (I am flexible on the nightly quota. The weekly one is most important). Logs will be kept in your notebook and signed by a parent/guardian. Read what you want! Those who complete the required number of reading log minutes for the quarter will attend the Reading Log Reward party!

16 Bring books to class! It is required that you bring a book you are reading to each class. If you have outstanding library materials or fines from previous years, please turn in your materials or pay your library fines immediately! I have a classroom library that you may use to check out books. Also, there is a free book section in the media center.

17 Article of the week You will receive an article that you are responsible for reading, annotating and reflecting upon most weeks. Articles will be given on Mondays; annotated articles and written reflections will be due on Fridays. We will go over this procedure in class when the first AOW is assigned.

18 Class website m Updated Frequently Use when absent to obtain work. Parents may use to stay informed.

19 Questions?

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