Chapter 25.1- Beginnings. Where and when did the Industrial Revoluti0n begin? What were the causes of the Industrial Revolution? What effect did the Agricultural.

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1 Chapter 25.1- Beginnings

2 Where and when did the Industrial Revoluti0n begin? What were the causes of the Industrial Revolution? What effect did the Agricultural Revolution have on the Industrial Revolution? What source of power would eventually become the driving force of the Industrial Revolution?

3 Question #1 To what does the term Industrial Revolution refer? The greatly increased output of machine- produced goods. As opposed to the cottage industry/domestic system, where goods were made at home

4 Question #2 Where did the Industrial Revolution begin? Great Britain Great Britain possessed all of the necessary factors needed for industrialization to begin (TBD later) As a result, they had a 100 year head start on everyone else.

5 Questions #3 Approximately when did the Industrial Revolution begin? Mid-1700s There was no real event to signal the beginning of this revolution, just an explosion of new technology and other factors coming together all around the same time.

6 Question #4 What was the Agricultural Revolution, and how did it pave the way for the Industrial Revolution? The greatly increased output of food in the early 1700s due to a series of new technology, innovations and laws coming into being Resulted in: Less farmers needed; they move to the cities to serve as the new labor force in factories Population explosion provides a need for more manufactured goods.

7 Question #5 What were three things that spurred a revolution in the area of agriculture? New technology: steel plow, seed drill, McCormick harvester, etc.- Better technology means less farm laborers needed New Innovations: crop rotation; new breeding methods, etc.- Farms become more efficient, produce more food New Laws: Enclosure Acts (allowed for larger farms, pushed the small farmer out)

8 Question #6 Identify eight (8) factors of production that England possessed in order for the Industrial Revolution to begin: Large amounts of natural resources (coal, iron, etc.) Large labor force Good infrastructure (paved roads, railroads, canals, harbors, etc) Capital ($) to invest in businesses Government supported business growth: low taxes, protected business loans. Social climate that supported industrialization: consumerism; growing middle class Technology: “necessity is the mother of invention”- Bigger machines means a bigger power source is needed- human power >water power> steam power Free from continental wars (did not fight on their own soil)

9 Question #7 What area of industry was the first to be transformed by the use of new technology? TEXTILES (a.k.a.-the manufacture of CLOTH) Set off a “positive feedback loop” Technology allowed yarn to be spun faster Therefore, needed more cotton Invention of cotton gin allows cotton to be processed faster Need for more cotton leads to dramatic increase in slavery in the U.S.

10 Question #8 How did technological advancements in transportation spur on industrial growth in England? Railroads spurred industrial growth by giving manufacturers a cheap way to transport materials and finished products Railroad boom created hundreds of thousands of jobs for railroad workers and miners (providing iron for tracks; coal for steam engines) R/R boosted agricultural and fishing industries by transporting products to distant cities Travel b/c easier

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