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The Ancient Hebrews & Judaism The Chosen People & the Rise of Monotheism.

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1 The Ancient Hebrews & Judaism The Chosen People & the Rise of Monotheism

2 The First Patriarch: Abraham According to Torah tradition, lived around 2000-1750 B.C. Moved from Ur to Canaan Book of Genesis account says that Abraham was the father (patriarch) of the Hebrew nation Father of Isaac and grandfather of Jacob (Israel) Jacob’s 12 sons became the founders of the “twelve tribes of Israel”; migrated to Egypt

3 Moses: Leader & Lawgiver According to Torah tradition, lived between 1500-1200 B.C. Born in Egypt; fled to Midian and returned to… Lead the Hebrew slaves of Egypt to freedom in the Exodus Presented the Ten Commandments and led the Hebrews to the “Promised Land” of Canaan Traditionally considered as the author of the Torah

4 Judaism’s View of Creation Genesis 1-3 presents a positive view of Creation Major concepts: *God brings about Creation *man created in God’s image *Eden = paradise on earth *man’s stewardship over nature *Adam and Eve tempted by Satan *The Fall – disobedience leads to sin and separation from God

5 The Covenant of Abraham Genesis 12 Abraham left Mesopotamia based on God’s command Moved from a polytheistic culture to a monotheistic belief system God rewards Abraham’s obedience with blessing Abraham’s descendants = the chosen ones, who will lead humanity back into fellowship with God

6 The Ten Commandments Exodus 20 Ethical code of conduct Reflects monotheistic beliefs: commands 1-4 = respect for God Emphasis on social morality: commands 5- 10 = respect for others

7 Atonement for Sin Leviticus 17 Blood sacrifice required to pay the price of sin Restores right relationship with God Yom Kippur = Day of Atonement Sacrifices offered in the tabernacle, later the Temple of Jerusalem

8 Confession of Faith *Deuteronomy 6 *“Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.” *The Shema emphasizes a personal relationship between the believer and God *Equality of all before God *God is ONE – emphasis on monotheism

9 Foundation of the Kingdom of Israel By 1000 B.C., King David defeated the Philistines and established Jerusalem as the capital of the Kingdom of Israel David’s son, Solomon, built the first Temple as the religious center of Jewish life The Jewish people split into two kingdoms (Israel & Judah) after Solomon’s death around 920 B.C.

10 Israel Falls to the Assyrians Based in their capital of Nineveh, the Assyrians swiftly conquered much of the Middle East starting around 850 B.C. Assyrian military might was based on the use of iron weapons and armor, advanced siege tactics, and sheer brutality In 722 B.C., the Assyrians destroyed the Kingdom of Israel By 650 B.C., they controlled Mesopotamia, Syria, Phoenicia, Palestine, and Egypt

11 The Babylonian Captivity In 612 B.C, the Chaldeans and their allies, the Medes, destroyed Nineveh The Chaldeans restored Babylon as the capital of their new empire, which occupied much of Assyria’s former territories Nebuchadnezzar created a powerful Neo-Babylonian Empire by 600 B.C. Jerusalem (Kingdom of Judah) fell and the Temple was destroyed in 586 B.C. Many Jews were taken into captivity by the Chaldeans and removed to the region around Babylon for 70 years Hanging Gardens of Babylon (depicted above); Fall of Jerusalem (left)

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