Cynllun Datblygu Ysgol Gofynion Statudol o Fedi 2015 School Development Plan Statutory Requirements from September 2015.


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Presentation transcript:

Cynllun Datblygu Ysgol Gofynion Statudol o Fedi 2015 School Development Plan Statutory Requirements from September 2015

Cynlluniau Datblygu Ysgol - Egwyddor School Development Plans - Principle Caiff gwella ysgolion yn gynaliadwy ei gefnogi gan gynllunio tymor byr a hirdymor effeithiol, sydd wedi’i gyplysu â thargedau heriol. Mae cynllunio ar gyfer gwelliant yn broses ddisgybledig sy’n cynnwys hunanwerthuso gonest gan ddefnyddio data ansoddol a meintiol. Sustainable school improvement is supported by effective short and long term planning, which is linked to challenging targets. Planning for improvement is a disciplined process involving honest self evaluation using qualitative and quantitative data. Ymrwymo i Ddysgu / Committed to Learning

Cynlluniau Datblygu Ysgol - Pwrpas School Development Plans - Purpose Codi safonau addysg mewn perthynas â Llythrennedd Codi safonau addysg mewn perthynas â Rhifedd Lleihau effaith tlodi ar gyrhaeddiad addysgol Hylaw a hawdd i bawb ei ddeall a chael gafael arno Effeithiolrwydd y cynllun yn nhermau ei effaith ac nid ei faint Raising standards in relation to Literacy Raising standards in relation to Numeracy Reduce the impact of poverty educational attainment Easily accessible for all staff and governors Quality should be judged in terms of impact and not volume Ymrwymo i Ddysgu / Committed to Learning

Nodweddion Cynllun Datblygu Effeithiol Effective School Improvement Planning Effaith ar ddeilliannau dysgwyr. Partneriaid a rhanddeiliaid. Hunanwerthuso. Blaenoriaethau a chamau gweithredu tymor byr a hirdymor. Cyd-destun i’r broses rheoli perfformiad ar gyfer yr holl staff. Proses barhaus sy’n cael ei hadlewyrchu yn statws y cynllun datblygu ysgol fel ‘dogfen fyw’. Impact on learner outcomes. Partners and stakeholders. Self-evaluation. Short- and long-term priorities Context for the performance management process for all staff. Ongoing process that is reflected in the status of the SDP as a ‘live document’.

Cynlluniau Datblygu Ysgol - Trefn School Development Plans - Cycle Cynllun tair blynedd Y flwyddyn addysgol bresennol: blaenoriaethau, targedau a strategaethau manwl at eu cyrraedd 2il a 3ydd blwyddyn: blaenoriaethau a thargedau lefel uchel Dogfen allweddol i’r ALl ac ERW ddeall blaenoriaethau a thaith wella’r ysgol Three year plan The current academic year: priority areas, targets and detailed strategies to meet targets 2nd and 3rd year: high level priorities and targets A key document for LA and ERW to have a single reference point for schools’ planned improvement activities Ymrwymo i Ddysgu / Committed to Learning

Cynlluniau Datblygu Ysgol - Cyfrifoldeb School Development Plans - Responsibility Rheoliadau’n gosod y cyfrifoldeb ar y corff llywodraethol i baratoi, monitro, adolygu a diwygio’r CDY. Yn ymarferol, bydd y Pennaeth a’r staff yn cyd- weithio gyda’r Corff i lunio’r CDY. Regulations place responsibility on the GB to prepare, monitro, revise and adapt the SDP. Realistically, the Headteacher and staff will work with the GB to create the SDP. Ymrwymo i Ddysgu / Committed to Learning

Cynlluniau Datblygu Ysgol – Cynnwys School Development Plans – Content 1.Blaenoriaethau’r Ysgol, wedi’u hadnabod drwy HA 1.Targedau gwella’r ysgol, deilliannau disgwyliedig a’r strategaethau i’w cyrraedd.  Cymorth ysgol i ysgol  Meini prawf a cherrig milltir  Mesur llwyddiant yn seiliedig ar godi safonau a gwella deilliannau ar gyfer pob dysgwyr 1.School Priority areas, identified through SE process 1.School improvement targets, expected outcomes and strategies to meet these outcomes  School to school support  Clear success criteria and milestones to measure and evaluate priores  Outcomes should focus on raising standards and improving outcomes for all learners Ymrwymo i Ddysgu / Committed to Learning

Cynlluniau Datblygu Ysgol – Cynnwys School Development Plans – Content 3. Strategaeth Datblygu Proffesiynol sy’n ffocysu’n gyson ar addysgu ac anghenion yr holl staff  Bod y bobl sy’n addysgu, cefnogi dysgu neu arwain dysgu yn meddu ar y sgiliau a’r profiad i ddarparu addysgu o’r radd flaenaf  Safonau cenedlaethol ar gyfer Athrawon ac Arweinwyr 3. Professional Development strategy that consistently gives focus to teaching and CPD needs of all staff  Ensure that those who either teach, support teaching or lead teaching have the necessary skills and experience to provide high quality teaching  National standards for Teachers and Leaders

Cynlluniau Datblygu Ysgol – Cynnwys School Development Plans – Content 4. Gweithio gyda’r Gymuned  Cynnwys rhanddeiliaid yr ysgol a’i phartneriaid  Cynnwys sut mae’r corff llywodraethol yn gweithio gyda’r gymuned ehangach i gyflawni ei blaenoriaethau 4. Working with the Community  Involve stakeholders and school partners  How the governing body will work with the wider school community to achieve the school improvement priorities

Cynlluniau Datblygu Ysgol – Cynnwys School Development Plans – Content 5. Staff ac Adnoddau’r Ysgol  Cynllunio’r gweithlu  Adnoddau a chyllid  Cyswllt cryf gyda’r adran ar Ddatblygiad Proffesiynol 5. School staff and school resources Workforce planning Resources and finance Direct link with the Professional Development strategy

Cynlluniau Datblygu Ysgol – Cynnwys School Development Plans – Content 6. Targedau Blaenorol  Mae’r corff llywodraethol yn gyfrifol am fonitro ac adolygu cynnydd yn erbyn targedau’r ysgol  Dylid cynnwys datganiad os nad ydy’r targedau wedi cyfarfod a chynllunio i unioni hynny. Ni ddylai’r datganiad enwi staff unigol. 6. Previous Targets  The governing body is responsible for monitoring and reviewing the progress in meeting school targets  If targets were not met, a brief statement must be included as to the reason for that and any corrective action taken. Individual staff members should not be named.

Cynlluniau Datblygu Ysgol – Cynnwys School Development Plans – Content Gweithredu a sicrhau gwelliannau. Adolygu cynnydd. Taking action and making improvement. Reviewing impact.

Cyhoeddi cynllun datblygu ysgol a mynediad iddo Publication and accessibility of the SDP Mae’n bwysig bod yr ysgol gyfan a’r gymuned ehangach yn ymwybodol o gynlluniau’r ysgol i sicrhau gwelliant. Ar ôl i’r cynllun datblygu ysgol gael ei baratoi neu’i ddiwygio’n ffurfiol, mae’n ofynnol i’r corff llywodraethu roi copïau o’r cynllun datblygu ysgol i bob aelod o’r corff llywodraethu a staff yr ysgol. It is important that the whole school and wider community are aware of the school’s plans to bring about improvement. Once formally prepared or revised, the governing body is required to provide copies of the SDP to each member of the governing body and school staff.

Challenge and Support Cymorth a Her The SDP will provide a focus for engagement with schools; challenge advisers will challenge and support schools in identifying and implementing the actions necessary to bring about improvements. Challenge advisers will play a critical role in linking schools to the support available from, and through, regional consortia. Bydd y cynllun datblygu ysgol yn darparu ffocws ar gyfer ymgysylltu ag ysgolion; a bydd ymgynghorwyr her yn her ac yn cynorthwyo ysgolion i nodi a rhoi ar waith y camau sy’n angenrheidiol i sicrhau gwelliannau. Bydd ymgynghorwyr her’n chwarae rhan allweddol i gysylltu ysgolion â’r gefnogaeth sydd ar gael gan y consortia rhanbarthol, a drwyddynt.

Cynlluniau Datblygu Ysgol School Development Plans Dim ond un cynllun strategol a ddylai fod gan ysgol Cynlluniau Ôl-Arolwg: rhaid i’r CDY gael ei adolygu’n dilyn arolygiad, a’r CDY i ymgorffori’r argymhellion a’r camau gweithredu. CGOA dal yn ddogfen statudol, 20 diwrnod ar ôl arolwg (heb law GS, MA) Schools should only have one strategic plan Post Inspection Action Plans: SDP should be revised following an inspection, and the SDP should incorporate the recommendations and actions. PIAP still a legal document, within 20 working days (exceptions possible for SI and SM) Ymrwymo i Ddysgu / Committed to Learning

Bydd Estyn yn chwilio am gysylltiad clir rhwng hunanwerthuso, y cynllun datblygu ysgol a sut mae hunanwerthuso a chynllunio ar gyfer gwelliant wedi cael effaith gadarnhaol ar ddeilliannau dysgwyr’. ‘Estyn will be looking for a clear link between self- evaluation, the school development plan and how self-evaluation and planning for improvement has had a positive impact on learner outcomes’.