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Datblygu Dysgu trwy Asesu mewn Partneriaeth Developing Teaching through Assessment in Partnership Cynhadledd Cyfeiriadau’r Dyfodol 2014 Future Directions.

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Presentation on theme: "Datblygu Dysgu trwy Asesu mewn Partneriaeth Developing Teaching through Assessment in Partnership Cynhadledd Cyfeiriadau’r Dyfodol 2014 Future Directions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Datblygu Dysgu trwy Asesu mewn Partneriaeth Developing Teaching through Assessment in Partnership Cynhadledd Cyfeiriadau’r Dyfodol 2014 Future Directions Conference Prifysgol Aberystwyth University 2/4/14

2 Ymchwil Pyramid Dysgu Learning Pyramid Research

3 Myfyrwyr fel Partneriaid – cyd addysgu Students as Partners – collaborative learning Sut? 90% o fyfyrwyr yn dysgu orau trwy ddysgu eraill neu ddefnyddio gwybodaeth yn uniongyrchol Modiwl Proses Ymchwil – creu dyddlyfr/ blog wythnosol sy’n cael ei asesu gan gyfoed How? 90% of students learn best by teaching others or using information directly Research Process Module - create a journal / weekly blog assessed by peer

4 Heriau Challenges Gwrthwynebiad gan fyfyrwyr bod cyd fyfyriwr yn asesu eu gwaith Darlithwyr yn unig ddylai asesu? Myfyrwyr yn cwestiynu gwerth a dibynoldeb yr asesiad? Pwysig sicrhau datblygiad personol pob myfyriwr e.e. Myfyrwyr cryf yn cael eu herio a myfyrwyr gwan – eu hysgogi i ddysgu ar lefel dyfnach. Resistance from students that a fellow student is assessing their work Only lecturers should asses? Students questioned the value and the dependency of the assessment? Important to ensure the personal development of each student e.g. strong students are challenged and weaker students- motivated to learn on a deeper level

5 Manteision Myfyrwyr fel Partneriaid Advantages of Students as Partners Creu amgylchedd dysgu : Cydweithredol Gweithredol Rhyngweithiol Sgiliau: Gwybyddol Creadigol, Gwerthusol, Beirniadol Datrys Problemau Creating a learning environment : Co-operative Active Interactive Skills: Cognitive, Creative, Evaluative, Critical Problem solving

6 Adborth gan Fyfyrwyr Feedback from Students

7 Manteision Myfyrwyr fel Partneriaid Advantages of Students as Partners Dim bwydo o’r llwy- pwysleisio cyfrifoldeb y myfyrwyr i ymchwilio a dysgu a datblygu fel dysgwyr holistig, cymryd perchnogaeth o’u gwaith. “perhaps the most important outcome of higher education should be the development by students of their ability to manage their own learning” Race (2001:192) No spoon-feeding - emphasis on the responsibility of the students to explore and learn and develop as holistic learners, taking ownership of their work.

8 Cyfeiriadaeth References Black, P a Wiliam,D (1998) Assessment and Classroom Learning. Assessment in Education, 5 1-74 Cullen et al (2002) Review of Current Pedagogic Research and Practice in the Fields of Post- Compulsory Education and Lifelong Learning. Tavistock Institute. Ecclestone.K Learning Autonomy in Post 16 education: the politics and practice of formative assessment London: Routledge Falmer Gardner et al (2008) Newid Arferion Asesu - Proses, Egwyddorion a Safonau. Grŵp Diwygio Asesu Gravells, A(2009) Principles and Practice of assessment in the lifelong learning sector. Exeter. Learning Matters. Harlen,W (2007) Assessment of Learning. Llundain: Sage Llywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru ( 2008) Manteisio i’r eithaf ar ddysgu- Gweithredu’r Cwricwlwm diwygiedig Yr Adran Plant, Addysg, Dysgu Gydol Oes a Sgiliau. Magennis, S. and Farrell, A. (2005) "Teaching and Learning Activities: expanding the repertoire to support student learning" in G O'Neill, S Moore and B McMullin Emerging Issues in the Practice of University Learning and Teaching, Dublin; All Ireland Society for Higher Education/Higher Education Authority (accessed 24/3/14) Race,P. (2001) The Lecturer’s Toolkit second edition A practical guide to learning, Teaching and Assessment Kogan Page Limited

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