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Cymwysterau ar gyfer y cwricwlwm newydd

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Presentation on theme: "Cymwysterau ar gyfer y cwricwlwm newydd"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cymwysterau ar gyfer y cwricwlwm newydd
Qualifications for the new curriculum

2 Cymwysterau yn seiliedig ar y cwricwlwm newydd
Qualification based on the new curriculum Dros y misoedd nesaf, byddwn yn rhyngweithio’n eang gyda chyfran ddeiliaid i ystyried beth yn y dyfodol fydd: Y berthynas rhwng cymwysterau a’r cwricwlwm Diben a swyddogaeth cymwysterau A dyluniad cymwysterau. In coming months, we will engage widely with stakeholders to consider the future: Relationship of qualifications to the curriculum Purpose and role of qualifications And design of Qualifications.

3 Sut awn ati? What’s our approach?
Work with stakeholders to consider how qualifications could support the new curriculum Consult on : - Purpose and role of qualifications - Range of subjects to be offered - High-level design principles Welsh Government and Qualifications Wales confirm decisions on future qualifications offer Co-construct and consult on detailed design proposals for individual qualifications New qualifications approved Training and resources are developed New qualifications taught in schools Gweithio gydag arloeswyr y cwricwlwm ac eraill i ystyried sut all cymwysterau gefnogi’r cwricwlwm newydd Ymgynghori ar: Ddiben a rôl cymwysterau Ystod o bynciau fydd ar gael Egwyddorion dylunio lefel-uchel Llywodraeth Cymru a Cymwysterau Cymru yn cadarnhau penderfyniadau am y cymwysterau caiff eu cynnig yn y dyfodol. Cyd-adeiladu ac ymgynghori ar gynlluniau cymwysterau unigol. Cymwysterau newydd wedi eu cymeradwyo Hyfforddiant ac adnoddau yn cael eu datblygu Cymwysterau yn cael eu darparu gan ysgolion.

4 Amserlen posib A possible timeline 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2025
Work with curriculum pioneers and others to consider how qualifications could support the new curriculum Consult on : - Purpose and role of qualifications - Range of subjects to be offered - High-level design principles Welsh Government and Qualifications Wales confirm decisions on future qualifications offer Co-construct and consult on detailed design proposals for individual qualifications New qualifications approved Training and resources are developed New qualifications taught in schools 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2025 Gweithio gydag arloeswyr y cwricwlwm ac eraill i ystyried sut all cymwysterau gefnogi’r cwricwlwm newydd Ymgynghori ar: Ddiben a rôl cymwysterau Ystod o bynciau fydd ar gael Egwyddorion dylunio lefel-uchel Llywodraeth Cymru a Cymwysterau Cymru yn cadarnhau penderfyniadau am y cymwysterau caiff eu cynnig yn y dyfodol. Cyd-adeiladu ac ymgynghori ar gynlluniau cymwysterau unigol. Cymwysterau newydd wedi eu cymeradwyo Hyfforddiant ac adnoddau yn cael eu datblygu Cymwysterau yn cael eu darparu gan ysgolion.

5 Y man cychwyn The starting point
Qualifications should be distinct from the curriculum. The curriculum should shape which qualifications are available, their purposes and their design. Dylai cymwysterau sefyll ar wahân i’r cwricwlwm. Dylai’r cwricwlwm lunio pa gymwysterau sydd ar gael, eu dibenion a’u dyluniad.

6 Rhai cwestiynnau cychwynol / Some initial questions
Beth ydy dibenion cymwysterau caiff eu sefyll gan fyfyrwyr 16-oed? Sut all cymwysterau ategu: y dibenion, y datganiadau o’r hyn sy’n bwysig, y camau dilyniant, y deilliannau cyrhaeddiad, a’r wybodaeth sgiliau a phrofiadau gofynnol? Sut all cymwysterau hybu profiadau dysgu a dulliau addysgu cadarnhaol? Beth na all cymwysterau eu cyflawni a beth ddylai eistedd y tu hwnt iddynt? Sut dylid trefnu cymwysterau, i ba raddau ddylen nhw adlewyrchu’r MSaPh ac/neu pynciau fwy traddodiadol? What are the purposes of qualifications taken by 16-year-olds? How can qualifications reflect: the purposes, the what matters statements, the progression steps, the achievement outcomes and KSE? How can qualifications promote positive teaching practice and learning experiences? What are the limits of qualifications and what should sit outside of them? How should qualifications be organised, to what extent should they reflect AoLE and/or more traditional subject disciplines?

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