SIDES OF THE WELLNESS TRIANGLE Mental Health – feelings about yourself Social Health – how you get along with others Physical Health - how your body systems work together
MENTAL HEALTH How you relate to others, how well you meet the demands of everyday life, Develop thinking skills See mistakes as opportunities to learn and grow Accept responsibility for your actions Stand up for beliefs and values In touch with your feelings and express them appropriately Can deal with frustrations and disappointment Don’t dwell on negative thoughts
SOCIAL HEALTH Ability to make and keep friends Work and play in cooperative ways Can seek and lend support when you need to Show RESPECT for yourself Good communication
PHYSICAL HEALTH Can cope with stresses of everyday life Need proper nutrition Regular physical activity Enough rest and sleep Practice good hygiene Regular medical and dental check-ups Resisting harmful substances
WELLNESS All three sides of the triangle must be balanced to be considered in good health standing. When all three sides are balanced, that is considered wellness. 3 equal sides 3 uneven sides
WELLNESS CONTINUUM A way of living each day that includes choices and decisions based on healthy attitudes. Health and Wellness Continuum (pg 7) List your favorite activities or hobbies. Get into groups of three and then put them into the three categories of wellness.
WHAT CAN WELLNESS AFFECT? How you look, feel, act Attitudes School, Work and Recreation Performance How you feel about YOURSELF How successful your relationships are Determines your goals AND your ability to accomplish them
STEPS TO RESPONSIBLE HEALTH Determine how much you know about your health Obtain accurate information about how to stay healthy or IMPROVE your health Take action!!! What are YOUR strengths and weaknesses??? Pair up and discuss, then we will go around the room and your PARTNER will say one of your strengths AND one of your weaknesses
LIFESTYLE FACTORS Personal behaviors and habits that are related to how a person lives, which can determine their level of health. 7-8 hours of sleep per night Eat nutritious food from each food group each day (balanced daily diet) Refrain from tobacco products Eat breakfast daily 20-30 minutes of nonstop vigorous activity 3x’s per week Do not use alcohol or drugs Maintain recommended weight
In order to practice good health habits you need to believe that there is some benefit for you. OPTIMISTS ARE LESS LIKELY TO SUFFER ILLNESS AND DIE YOUNG THAN PESSIMISTS. SEE THE POSITIVE!!!
WHAT ARE SOME BENEFITS OF BEING FIT??? At ease with yourself More confident and self-assured Emotionally stable Future success Confidence
THINGS THAT CAN AFFECT YOUR LEVEL OF HEALTH Heredity Behavior Environment Physical Social Cultural How do each of these things affect your health and wellness??
HEREDITY All the traits and properties that are passed along biologically from both parents to a child. Disease can be hereditary!!! Think of things that “run in your family” these are aspects of your health that you want to pay CLOSE attention to…heart disease, diabetes, cancer…
ENVIRONMENT SOCIAL family and people you come into daily contact with PEERS….PEER PRESSURE (trying to fit in and become part of the group) CULTURAL beliefs, customs and behaviors of a group. Understanding different cultures may improve your SOCIAL health PHYSICAL air quality, area you live in, medical care, immunizations Can contribute to your sense of WELLBEING
BEHAVIOR Is the aspect of your life that you have the most CONTROL over This is the way you CHOOSE to act within your environment Think of things that “run in your family”….how can you change or control whether or not that happens to you???