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Living a Healthy Life Chapt. 1

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1 Living a Healthy Life Chapt. 1
Lesson 1 Your Health and Wellness

2 The importance of Good Health
Health- is the combination of physical, mental/emotional, and social well-being.

3 Health Continuum Health is dynamic=constant change
Ex: Leading scorer for basketball one night and wake up with the flu the next morning. Change along the continuum can occur suddenly: Sports injuries. It is normal for these changes so we have to know how to handle the changes in a healthy way.

4 The Health Continuum

5 Wellness Wellness- The overall state of well-being or total health. Includes making good decisions and practicing good healthy behaviors. To achieve= Have ongoing, lifelong, commitment to physical, mental/emotional and social health.

6 Promoting your Health Decisions you make everyday affect your health.
Lifestyle factors: Personal behaviors or habits can affect your Health, happiness, and longevity.

7 Lifestyle Factors Certain lifestyle factors are linked to specific diseases.

8 What is the Key to Wellness?
Prevention- practicing health and safety habits to remain free of disease and injury.

9 Importance of Health Education
Health Education- providing accurate health information to help people make healthy choices. Goal-to give people the tools they need to help live long, energetic and productive lives.

10 Healthy People 2010 Nationwide health promotion and disease prevention plan designed to serves as a guide for improving the health of all people in the US. Plan is revised every 10 years-aims to promote good health, prevent illness, disability and early death.

11 Goals of Healthy People 2010
Increase quality and years of healthy life for all Americans and remove health differences that result from factors such as gender, race, education, disability, and location.

12 Goals of Healthy People 2010
Who can help with these goals??? YOU, FAMILIES, COMMUNITIES

13 Becoming Health Literate
Health Literacy- a person’s capacity to learn about and understand basic health information and services and use these resources to promote their wellness.

14 Health-literate individual needs to be…
Critical thinker Responsible productive citizen Self directed learner Effective communicatior

15 Lesson 2 Promoting a Health Lifestyle

16 Physical Health How well your body functions.
Energy, to perform activities, cope with everyday challenges and stresses, resist diseases and avoid injury. EX: getting sleep, rest, eating, drinking water, being physically active, good hygiene, medical and dental checkups, nutrition. Avoiding harmful substances: Alcohol, drugs, tobacco.

17 Good or Bad Physical Health??

18 Good or Bad Physical Health?

19 Mental/Emotional Health
Feelings about yourself, how well you meet the demands of daily life and your ability to process information are all important. Good Mental Health-in touch with feelings, learning new things, see mistakes as opportunities, accept responsibility for actions, can express themselves in appropriate ways, avoid dwelling on negatives, positive thoughts and move forward.

20 Good or Bad Mental/Emotional Health???

21 Good or Bad Mental/Emotional Health???

22 Social Health The way you get along with others.
Make friends, keep friends, work and play in cooperative ways, seek support/lend support, communicating, show respect and care for yourself and others.

23 Good or Bad Social Health???

24 Good or Bad Social Health???

25 Influences on your Health
Heredity- all traits that are biologically passed on to you from your parents.

26 Environment The sum of your surroundings, including family, neighborhood, school, job, life experiences.

27 Physical Environment

28 Social Environment Peers- people of the same age who share similar interests.

29 Culture Environment Culture- collective beliefs, customs, and behaviors. EX: ethnic groups, language you speak, religion, traditions. Give you your sense of identity.

30 Attitude The way you view situations- in order to practice good health habits you must believe that there is some benefit to you and that problems may result if you don’t develop these habits.

31 Behavior You have control over your behavior…

32 Media Media- various methods of communicating information, includes: radio, tv, film, newspapers, magazines, books, and the internet. What part of your health can media affect?

33 Are media and technology sources good or bad for your health? Why?

34 Lesson 3 Your Behavior and Reducing Health Risks
Risk Behaviors- actions that can potentially threaten your health or the health of others. 1st step-recognize your risky behavior. 2nd step examine your current behaviors and identify needed changes.

35 Recognizing Risk Behaviors Teen Risk Behaviors (study done by Baylor for DFW area students)
Used safety belts-69% Did not smoke-65% Did not use alcohol-81% Did not use drugs-90% Participate in a physical fitness-65% ***Survey of teens behaviors-Most teens are not drinking, using drugs or using tobacco, 2/3 wear their seat belts-where do you fit in???

36 Cumulative Risks and Consequences
Cumulative risk: related risks that increase with each added risk. Ex: smoking 1 cigarette is not likely to cause death or eating 1 hamburger or getting 1 sunburn. If these behaviors are repeated over time negative effects accumulate and lead to serious health consequences.

37 Smoking

38 Smoking Dangers

39 Bad nutrition

40 Bad nutrition could lead to…

41 Out in the sun…


43 Abstaining from risky behaviors
Abstain-avoid harmful behaviors including-alcohol, tobacco, drugs and sexual activity before marriage.

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