Chapter 14 Section 5 Wars and the Growth of Nations.


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 14 Section 5 Wars and the Growth of Nations

Review What grew larger along with the revival of trade in the Middle Ages What grew larger along with the revival of trade in the Middle Ages What helped the Black Death spread quickly around the world? What helped the Black Death spread quickly around the world? the decline in trade in medieval times was caused by the _______ system the decline in trade in medieval times was caused by the _______ system Under what system do workers made a part of a product in their homes? Under what system do workers made a part of a product in their homes?

The Hundred Years War ( ) In the early 1300’s English King Edward III held land in France, making his a vassal of the French king In the early 1300’s English King Edward III held land in France, making his a vassal of the French king In 1328, with the death of the last male member of the royal family died, Edward III claimed the French throne In 1328, with the death of the last male member of the royal family died, Edward III claimed the French throne The French assembly chose Philip VI, the Count of Flanders, as king instead The French assembly chose Philip VI, the Count of Flanders, as king instead In 1337 Edward III brought an army to Flanders In 1337 Edward III brought an army to Flanders Thus the Hundred Years War began Thus the Hundred Years War began It was 116 years of raids and battles. Although England won many battles, ultimately they lost the war. It was 116 years of raids and battles. Although England won many battles, ultimately they lost the war. By 1453 France had regained almost all of Englands French lands By 1453 France had regained almost all of Englands French lands

Edward III & Philip VI

Continued…. New weapons emerged in the HYW such as longbows, which allowed arrows to be shot accurately at 200yds. away. Gunpowder and cannons made castles vulnerable to warfare. They no longer provided protection for the lords that inhabited them New weapons emerged in the HYW such as longbows, which allowed arrows to be shot accurately at 200yds. away. Gunpowder and cannons made castles vulnerable to warfare. They no longer provided protection for the lords that inhabited them {During the HYW both the French and English monarchies became weaker} {During the HYW both the French and English monarchies became weaker} {Parliament, particularly the House of Commons gained more power over the king making them closer in power to the House of Lords} {Parliament, particularly the House of Commons gained more power over the king making them closer in power to the House of Lords}

This is a cannon This is a cannon

This is a dork with a longbow

The War of the Roses Shortly after the Hundred Years War ended the war for England’s throne began Shortly after the Hundred Years War ended the war for England’s throne began In 1455 the York and Lancaster families {started the War of the Roses to determine who the ruler of England would be} In 1455 the York and Lancaster families {started the War of the Roses to determine who the ruler of England would be} The white rose was the badge of York and the red rose was used by the House of Lancaster The white rose was the badge of York and the red rose was used by the House of Lancaster In 1485 Henry Tudor of the House of Lancaster won the war In 1485 Henry Tudor of the House of Lancaster won the war Henry married a daughter from the House of York, and as Henry VII he set up a strong monarchy in England once again Henry married a daughter from the House of York, and as Henry VII he set up a strong monarchy in England once again

Henry Tudor as Henry VII. Note the red rose in his right hand Henry Tudor as Henry VII. Note the red rose in his right hand

France after the Hundred Years War During the war France suffered more than England because it was fought on French soil During the war France suffered more than England because it was fought on French soil During the war a fight for power broke out within the royal family. Preventing France to unite against the English During the war a fight for power broke out within the royal family. Preventing France to unite against the English Finally, with the help of Joan of Arc, Charles VII was crowned the king of France. The people backed their king and were able to drive out the English Finally, with the help of Joan of Arc, Charles VII was crowned the king of France. The people backed their king and were able to drive out the English At the time of the HYW the French Estates General controlled finances and passed laws At the time of the HYW the French Estates General controlled finances and passed laws

Joan of Arc claimed to have visions from God that told her to fight the English in the Hundred Years War. She was sent in for a relief mission to the siege at Orleans, she was able to lift the siege after only nine days. She was a heroine of her country at the young age of 17. While still battling she fell prisoner to the English and was burned at the stake a heretic at the age of 19. She was later declared a martyr and a saint by the Catholic church Joan of Arc claimed to have visions from God that told her to fight the English in the Hundred Years War. She was sent in for a relief mission to the siege at Orleans, she was able to lift the siege after only nine days. She was a heroine of her country at the young age of 17. While still battling she fell prisoner to the English and was burned at the stake a heretic at the age of 19. She was later declared a martyr and a saint by the Catholic church

Continued…. In 1461 Louis XI followed Charles VII as king of France In 1461 Louis XI followed Charles VII as king of France {Louis made the French monarchy even stronger and the Estates General lost some of its power} {Louis made the French monarchy even stronger and the Estates General lost some of its power} He set up a harsh but efficient government. He set up a harsh but efficient government. Under Louis France became a united country Under Louis France became a united country As in England feudal lords lost much power to their king As in England feudal lords lost much power to their king But unlike England, French peasants gained little freedom, still owing services to the manor and its lord But unlike England, French peasants gained little freedom, still owing services to the manor and its lord

Spain Spain became a united nation in 1479 under Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castile. Spain became a united nation in 1479 under Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castile. In 1492 they captured the city of Granada, the last stronghold of the Moors (Muslims) in Spain In 1492 they captured the city of Granada, the last stronghold of the Moors (Muslims) in Spain {They were devout Catholics and ordered all non-Christians out of Spain or to convert} {They were devout Catholics and ordered all non-Christians out of Spain or to convert} Most Jews and Muslims left the country Most Jews and Muslims left the country As a result, Spain lost most of its leaders in industry and trade As a result, Spain lost most of its leaders in industry and trade

Ferdinand and Isabella

The Holy Roman Empire The Holy Roman Empire, now Germany and Italy, remained divided into states ruled by princes and knights. Therefore, the emperors lacked the power to exercise complete control The Holy Roman Empire, now Germany and Italy, remained divided into states ruled by princes and knights. Therefore, the emperors lacked the power to exercise complete control In 1273 a member of the Habsburg family became emperor. They ruled a small state in present day Switzerland. They were weak and owned little land In 1273 a member of the Habsburg family became emperor. They ruled a small state in present day Switzerland. They were weak and owned little land But they use the title of emperor to strategically arrange marriages with powerful families. Slowly they began to increase their lands But they use the title of emperor to strategically arrange marriages with powerful families. Slowly they began to increase their lands Habsburg emperor Maximilian I gained the Netherlands, Luxembourg and Burgundy. Habsburg emperor Maximilian I gained the Netherlands, Luxembourg and Burgundy.

Continued…. Emperor Maximilian I’s son, Philip followed suit by marring into the Spanish royal family gaining lands in Spain and Italy Emperor Maximilian I’s son, Philip followed suit by marring into the Spanish royal family gaining lands in Spain and Italy Over time the Habsburgs became the most powerful family in Europe Over time the Habsburgs became the most powerful family in Europe {The Habsburg family could not, however, unite the Holy Roman Empire or the German states within it} {The Habsburg family could not, however, unite the Holy Roman Empire or the German states within it} German states were ruled by princes who refused to surrender power to the emperor German states were ruled by princes who refused to surrender power to the emperor Nor could Italy be united because of the Papal States which were ruled by the pope Nor could Italy be united because of the Papal States which were ruled by the pope

Review What happened During the HYW to both the French and English monarchies? What happened During the HYW to both the French and English monarchies? Parliament, particularly the House of Commons, gained more power over the king making them closer in power to the House of _____ Parliament, particularly the House of Commons, gained more power over the king making them closer in power to the House of _____ Louis made the French monarchy even stronger and the who lost some of its power? Louis made the French monarchy even stronger and the who lost some of its power? The Habsburg family could not, however, unite who or the German states within it? The Habsburg family could not, however, unite who or the German states within it?

Hey, how about some pictures of this guy who calls himself Sir Richard Calle a Tudor knight (unless he is being Sir Richard Calle’s assistant Robert Jackson, you think I’m joking don’t you) Hey, how about some pictures of this guy who calls himself Sir Richard Calle a Tudor knight (unless he is being Sir Richard Calle’s assistant Robert Jackson, you think I’m joking don’t you)