Heritage of China. The Dynasty Having one family or group rule for an extended period of time. Zhou (joh) Dynasty lasted almost 800 years Rulers were.


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Presentation transcript:

Heritage of China

The Dynasty Having one family or group rule for an extended period of time. Zhou (joh) Dynasty lasted almost 800 years Rulers were determined according to the Mandate of Heaven

Mandate of Heaven Linked power and responsibility If a ruler fails to maintain order and prosperity, the people have the right to overthrow them. (see chart on page 329) Dynasties used the MOH to justify their power. Helped to explain the Dynastic Cycle

Confucius Born around 551 BC - a time of chaos, warfare and disorder Developed ideas about how to restore peace  was ignored by princes His ideas caught on after his death

Teachings of Confucious Five Relationships –Ruler and ruled –Father and Son –Older brother and younger brother –Husband and wife –Friend and friend. In all but the last relationship, one has superiority over another. –Supports MOH

Influence of Confucius Became guide for proper behavior –Based on ethical or moral principles –Interests of family and society above individual –Stressed loyalty, hard work, and service Dominated Chinese society –Spread to Korea, Japan, and Vietnam

Daoism Word dao means “the way.” –“Those who know the Dao do not speak of it, those who speak of it do not know it.” Taught order of nature The duck and the crane

Influence of Daoism Advances in science and technology –Astronomy –Magnetic compass –Gunpowder

Legalism Han Feizi (han fay dzuh)  rejected Confucian teachings Believed people acted out of self interest Would respond to rewards and punishments, not to good examples Only harsh laws imposed by a strong ruler would ensure order in society

Family life Joint family Oldest male held authority In poor families only strong survived Filial Piety –“The bamboo stick makes a good child.” Respect for ancestors Arranged marriages –Groom pays dowry to bride’s familyu

Role of Women Women are inferior to men Valued girls for work and for bearing children –Did not celebrate birth of daughter Foot binding –Began around 950 CE –Purpose: to keep a woman’s feet small –Brought intense pain and STENCH!