Twin Rivers Unified School District: Inspiring each student to extraordinary achievement every day! Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) UPDATE Presented.


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Presentation transcript:

Twin Rivers Unified School District: Inspiring each student to extraordinary achievement every day! Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) UPDATE Presented to the Board of Trustees November 19, 2013 By Kate Ingersoll, Executive Director, Fiscal Services

Twin Rivers Unified School District: Inspiring each student to extraordinary achievement every day! School Finance Reform The Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) –Allocation primarily based on weighted pupil funding –Flexibility vs. “Equity” –Governance shift: State Local Control –Accountability shift: Academic accountability and fiscal merged in Local Control Accountability Plans (LCAPs)

Twin Rivers Unified School District: Inspiring each student to extraordinary achievement every day! LCFF Entitlement Target Entitlement Target = Base Grant + Augmentations + Supplemental Grant + Concentration Grant + Add-ons Base Grant per ADA (will receive annual COLA) Augmentations – 10.4% ($711.88) for K-3 CSR and 2.6% ($215.51) for Grades 9-12

Twin Rivers Unified School District: Inspiring each student to extraordinary achievement every day! LCFF Entitlement Target Supplemental Grant – additional 20% of Base Grant + Augmentations for each English Learner, low income and foster pupil (by unduplicated enrollment) Concentration Grant – additional 50% of Base Grant + Augmentations for each student eligible for supplemental grant above 55% concentration threshold Add-ons – Home-to-School Transportation and Targeted Instructional Improvement Grant (TIIG)

Twin Rivers Unified School District: Inspiring each student to extraordinary achievement every day! Twin Rivers LCFF Target

Twin Rivers Unified School District: Inspiring each student to extraordinary achievement every day! Local Control Funding Analysis

Twin Rivers Unified School District: Inspiring each student to extraordinary achievement every day! K-3 Class Size Reduction Transition to school site average of 24:1 DOF has indicated that EC (b) calculation is the correct methodology – number of pupils in grades TK-3 enrolled at the school site, divided by the number of full-time equivalent classroom teachers for grades TK-3 at the school site Identify gap between K-3 average class enrollment by school site and the target of 24:1 Must begin to close K-3 class size gap in proportion to progress toward closing LCFF entitlement gap ( progress toward entitlement target is 11.74%) –Or can locally negotiate alternative ratios Failure to meet the annual enrollment target at any site results in the loss of the entire K-3 CSR Augmentation funding

Twin Rivers Unified School District: Inspiring each student to extraordinary achievement every day! Flexibility vs. “Equity” It’s the Local Control Funding Formula! But, it also targets funding to the specific student characteristics and needs of English learner, low income, and foster youth students Both flexibility and resource “equity” are core tenets of the LCFF State Board of Education (SBE) tasked with maintaining the right balance –SBE to adopt regulations for the supplemental and concentration grant funds by January 31, 2014

Twin Rivers Unified School District: Inspiring each student to extraordinary achievement every day! State Local Control Transfers most authority and decision-making over program expenditures from State to the local level Excluded Categorical Programs Adults in Correctional Facilities After School Education and Safety Program Agricultural Education Incentive Program American Indian Education Centers Child Nutrition Early Childhood Education Programs Foster Youth Programs Mandates Block Grant Partnership Academies Quality Education Investment Act Special Education Specialized Secondary Programs State Preschool State Testing Program

Twin Rivers Unified School District: Inspiring each student to extraordinary achievement every day! Content of LCAPs By July 1, 2014 each LEA must adopt a LCAP that describes: –Annual goals for each of the eight specified state priorities for all students and for each LCFF subgroup (EL, low income and foster pupil) –The specific actions the LEA will take to achieve those goals –A listing and description of the fiscal year’s expenditures which will support implementation of the specific actions –A listing and description of the fiscal year’s expenditures that will serve students that generate supplemental and concentration grants

Twin Rivers Unified School District: Inspiring each student to extraordinary achievement every day! Steps for the LCAP Consult with teachers, principals, school personnel, pupils and local bargaining units Present for review and comment to: –Parent advisory committee –EL parent advisory committee –Superintendent must respond in writing to comments received Opportunity for public input: –Notice of the opportunity to submit written comment on draft LCAP –Public hearing to comment on draft LCAP –Superintendent must respond in writing to comments received Public hearing to adopt LCAP prior to adopting the budget Submit to County Office of Education for approval Post on district’s website Each subsequent year, the LCAP must be reviewed and updated

Twin Rivers Unified School District: Inspiring each student to extraordinary achievement every day! California’s Low K-12 Spending Roughly $2,500 per pupil less than the national average Would have required $15.3 billion more to reach the national average in LCFF is about distribution – it does not increase funding Not clear if state revenues will increase sufficiently to allow full implementation of LCFF by Funding gap with rest of nation is likely to remain without a significant change in state revenues and expenditures