Appendicular skeleton: Pelvic girdle
Pelvic girdle: Very high weight bearing bone Made up of 3 bones Ilium Ischium pubis
Ilium Ischium Pubis
Ilium: Hip bone Attaches to spine with sacroiliac joint Iliac crest Greater sciatic notch
Ischium: Ischial tuberosity Ischial spine Greater sciatic notch-allows blood vessels and sciatic nerve to pass through
Pubis: Obturator foramen-vessels and nerve of the thigh to pass Pubic symphysis-cartilaginous joint Acetabulum-all 3 bones form deep socket where head of femur attaches
Femur: Greater trochanter Lesser trochanter muscle attach Gluteal tuberosity Intertrochanteric crest Medial and lateral condyle
Tibia: Shinbone Found medial and is a part of the knee joint Tibial tuberosity-petella attachment Medial malleolus-distal end-ankle bulge
Fibula: Not involve in the knee joint-stick-like Lateral malleolus-lateral ankle bulge
Tibia is not part of the knee joint
Foot: Tarsals-7 ankle bones Calcaneus-heelbone Talus-between calcaneus and tibia Metatarsals-5 bones Phalanges-14 bones with proximal, middle and distal bones except for the great toe