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Chapter 8: The Appendicular Skeleton

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1 Chapter 8: The Appendicular Skeleton

2 Figure 8-1 An Anterior View of the Appendicular Skeleton.
SKELETAL SYSTEM 206 AXIAL SKELETON 80 APPENDICULAR SKELETON 126 (see Figure 7–1) Clavicle 2 Pectoral girdles 4 Scapula 2 Humerus 2 Upper limbs 60 Radius 2 Ulna 2 Carpal bones 16 Metacarpal bones 10 Phalanges 28 Pelvic girdle 2 Hip bone 2 Femur 2 Lower limbs 60 Patella 2 Tibia 2 Fibula 2 Tarsal bones 14 Metatarsal bones 10 Phalanges 28

3 Clavicle Scapula Clavicle Jugular notch Acromial end Sternal end LATERAL MEDIAL Facet for articulation with acromion b Superior view of the right clavicle. Sternal facet Acromial end LATERAL Cunoid tubercle Costal tuberosity MEDIAL Sternal end a The position of the clavicle within the pectoral girdle, anterior view. c Inferior view of the right clavicle. Stabilizing ligaments attach to the conoid tubercle and the costal tuberosity.

4 Supraglenoid tubercle
Scapula Acromion Superior angle Supraglenoid tubercle Supraspinous fossa Coracoid process Acromion Coracoid process Superior border Acromion Coracoid process Superior border Neck Lateral angle Spine Glenoid cavity Subscapular fossa Body Spine Infraspinous fossa Lateral border Body Medial border Medial border Lateral border Lateral border Inferior angle Inferior angle a Anterior view b Lateral view c Posterior view

5 Humerus Anterior surface Posterior surface Elbow joint, anterior view
Greater tubercle Head Greater tubercle Lesser tubercle Intertubercular groove Anatomical neck Surgical neck Deltoid tuberosity Humerus Radial groove Shaft Olecranon fossa Radial fossa Coronoid fossa Lateral epicondyle Lateral epicondyle Medial epicondyle Capitulum Trochlea Trochlea Condyle Humerus a Anterior surface b Posterior surface Humerus Medial epicondyle Medial epicondyle Olecranon fossa Trochlea Olecranon Head of radius Capitulum Trochlea of humerus Coronoid process of ulna Ulna Head of radius Radial notch of ulna c Elbow joint, anterior view d Elbow joint, posterior view

6 Interosseous membrane Styloid process of radius
Radius and Ulna Olecranon Olecranon Trochlear notch Coronoid process Proximal radioulnar joint Radial head Radial notch Neck of radius Ulnar tuberosity Radial tuberosity Ulna Ulna Radius Ulna c Lateral view of ulna, showing trochlear notch Interosseous membrane Ulnar notch of radius Distal radioulnar joint Ulnar head Ulnar head Styloid process of ulna Styloid process of radius a Posterior view b Anterior view

7 Figure 8-6 Bones of the Right Wrist and Hand.
Carpals Radius Ulna Carpals Ulna Radius Carpals Lunate Scaphoid Scaphoid Pisiform Trapezium Triquetrum Trapezium Trapezoid Hamate I Trapezoid Capitate Metacarpal bones I V V II II III IV Metacarpal bones IV III Pollex Proximal phalanx Distal phalanx Phalanges Phalanges Proximal Proximal Middle Middle Distal Distal a Anterior view b Posterior view

8 Clinical Note 8-1 Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.
Median nerve Flexor retinaculum Synovial tendon sheaths Carpal tunnel Pisiform Triquetrum Carpal bones Lunate Scaphoid Cross section of right wrist (palm up)

9 The Pelvic Girdle Anterior view Posterior view Sacrum Coccyx Ilium
Pubis Hip bone (see Figure 8–7) Ischium Iliac crest L5 L5 Iliac fossa Sacral foramina Sacroiliac joint Sacrum Ilium Posterior superior iliac spine Arcuate line Sacrum Greater sciatic notch Posterior inferior iliac spine Pubis Acetabulum Ischial spine Pubic symphysis Pubic tubercle Ischium Obturator foramen Ischial tuberosity Coccyx a Anterior view b Posterior view

10 Anterior superior iliac spine Anterior inferior iliac spine
Hip Bone Ilium Ilium POSTERIOR ANTERIOR ANTERIOR POSTERIOR Ischium Pubis Ischium Pubis Gluteal Lines Iliac crest Auricular surface for articulation with sacrum Anterior Inferior Anterior superior iliac spine Iliac fossa Posterior Iliac tuberosity Anterior inferior iliac spine Posterior superior iliac spine Posterior superior iliac spine Acetabulum Lunate surface Posterior inferior iliac spine Posterior inferior iliac spine Acetabulum Acetabular notch Greater sciatic notch Greater sciatic notch Arcuate line Pubis Ischial spine Ischial spine Superior ramus Lesser sciatic notch Lesser sciatic notch Pubic tubercle Pectineal line Obturator foramen Ischial tuberosity Inferior ramus Ischial tuberosity Ischial ramus Ischial ramus Location of pubic symphysis a Right hip bone, lateral view b Right hip bone, medial view

11 Divisions of the Pelvis
False pelvis Pelvic inlet Pelvic brim True pelvis Pelvic outlet b Lateral view. The boundaries of the true (lesser) pelvis (shown in purple) and the (false) greater pelvis.

12 Figure 8-10 Sex Differences in the Human Skeleton (Part 2 of 4).
PELVIS Narrower, rougher, more robust General Appearance Broader, smoother, less robust More vertical; extends farther superior to sacroiliac joint Ilium Less vertical; less extension superior to sacral articulation Long, narrow triangle with pronounced sacral curvature Sacrum Broad, short triangle with less sacral curvature Deeper Iliac fossa Shallower Narrower, heart shaped Pelvic inlet Open, circular shaped Narrow Pelvic outlet Enlarged Points anteriorly Coccyx Points inferiorly Directed laterally Acetabulum Faces slightly anteriorly Oval Obturator foramen Triangular Under 90 Pubic angle 100º or more OTHER Heavier Bone weight Lighter More prominent Bone markings Less prominent

13 Femur Anterior surface Posterior surface Neck Neck Fovea capitis
Greater trochanter Femoral head Greater trochanter Intertrochanteric crest Intertrochanteric line Gluteal tuberosity Lesser trochanter Pectineal line Linea aspera Shaft Lateral supracondylar ridge Medial supracondylar ridge Popliteal surface Patellar surface Adductor tubercle Intercondylar fossa Lateral epicondyle Medial epicondyle Lateral epicondyle Lateral condyle Medial condyle Lateral condyle a Anterior surface b Posterior surface

14 Lateral condyle of femur Medial condyle of femur
The Patella Base of patella Patella Attachment area for quadriceps tendon Lateral facet, for lateral condyle of femur Medial facet, for medial condyle of femur Attachment area for patellar ligament Lateral condyle of femur Medial condyle of femur Articular surface of patella Apex of patella a Anterior view b Posterior view c Inferior view of right femur and patella

15 The Tibia and Fibula Transverse section of tibia and fibula
Intercondylar eminence Articular surface of medial tibial condyle Lateral tibial condyle Articular surface of lateral tibial condyle Medial tibial condyle Head of fibula Lateral tibial condyle Superior tibiofibular joint Tibial tuberosity Head of fibula Anterior margin Interosseous membrane Tibia Fibula Anterior margin Interosseous membrane c Transverse section of tibia and fibula Tibia Tibia Fibula Fibula Inferior tibiofibular joint Medial malleolus (tibia) Lateral malleolus (fibula) Lateral malleolus (fibula) Inferior articular surface a Anterior view b Posterior view

16 Figure 8-14 Bones of the Ankle and Foot.
Talus Cuboid Navicular Tarsal bones Cuneiform bones Metatarsal bones Calcaneus Phalanges Trochlea of talus Navicular Calcaneus Cuboid Cuneiform bones b Lateral view, right foot Lateral Intermediate Medial Medial cuneiform bone Navicular Talus V IV III II I Metatarsal bones Metatarsal bones Phalanges Phalanges Hallux Proximal Proximal phalanx Calcaneus Middle Distal phalanx Distal Transverse arch Longitudinal arch a Superior view, right foot c Medial view, right foot

17 Table 8-1 Age-Related Changes in the Skeleton (Part 1 of 2).

18 Table 8-1 Age-Related Changes in the Skeleton (Part 2 of 2).

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