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Appendicular Skeleton

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1 Appendicular Skeleton

2 Appendicular Skeleton
Bones of the upper and lower limbs and the girdles (shoulder and hip) that attach the limbs to the axial skeleton. Bones of the limbs help to get us from place to place and to manipulate our environment.


4 Clavicle Clavicle= collar bone S-shaped
Sternal end: attaches to manubrium of sternum Acromial end: attaches to acromion on scapula Supports shoulder


6 Scapula Back of shoulder Dorsal surface= back Ventral surface= front

7 Scapula Spine: ridge that enlarges into acromion
Acromion: articulates with clavicle Coracoid process: articulates with tendon of bicep Glenoid fossa: socket where humerus fits Scapular Notch

8 4 1 3 Scapula/ Clavicle& Head of Humerus 2 6 5 Scapular notch: notch medial to coracoid process; for nerve

9 Scapula/ Clavicle& Head of Humerus
Acromion 10 11 Coracoid Process Scapula/ Clavicle& Head of Humerus 12 Clavicle

10 Humerus: upper arm Head: always points toward median
Greater Tubercle: bulge on lateral side of proximal end Lesser Tubercle: bulge on medial side of proximal end Intertubicular groove: for tendon of biceps


12 Humerus: upper arm Medial epicondyle: bulge on distal medial side
Lateral epicondyle: bulge on distal lateral side Coronoid fossa: depression in distal end Olecranon fossa: indentation on posterior Capitulum: head of radius connects here Trochlea: next to capitulum; sideways hourglass

13 Humerus

14 Humerus

15 Ulna Little bone in forearm, pinky side
Olecranon: pointy part that sticks out of elbow Semilunar notch: meets trochlea for flexion/extension Coronoid process: fits onto coronoid fossa Radial notch: head of radius fits into it Styloid process: nobby end of ulna


17 Ulna & Radius

18 Radius Larger bone in forearm, thumb side, end=circle
Head: fits into capitulum For supination/pronation Radial tuberosity: bulge below head for muscle attachment: biceps Styloid process: bulge on lateral (thumb side) of wrist



21 Hand 14 (3 rows) Phalanges Metacarpals 5 8 Carpals

22 Carpals of Hand Sally Left The Party To Take Cathy Home

23 Carpals Students Learn The Problem Short bones arranged in 2 rows of 4
Sliding joints between them Posterior view (thumb)The Teachers Couldn’t Help (pinky) Students Learn The Problem

24 Metacarpals 1st bones within hand #1-5 1= thumb, 5= pinky

25 Phalanges Proximal, middle, distal
Digits 2-5 have 3 (thumb is missing middle phalange)

26 Lower Limb 3 Coxal bones + sacrum= Pelvic Girdle
Ilium: superior ½ including ridge of hip you feel Ischium: posterior lower half Pubis: anterior lower half, makes V


28 Ilium- superior half Iliac crest: top ridge
Anterior iliac spine: comes to point at front Posterior iliac spine: comes to point in back Greater sciatic notch: big notch faces back, for sciatic nerve

29 Ischium- posterior lower 1/2
Ischial Spine: point below notch Lesser Sciatic notch: smaller notch below spine Ischial Tuberosity: bulge below lesser sciatic notch Lesser sciatic notch

30 Pubis- anterior lower 1/2
Ramus: 2 bars, parts of V Pubic symphysis: fibrocartilage that connects 2 pubis bones in middle Ramus

31 Male vs. Female Crests at wider angles in females
Pelvic bowl larger in females Pubic angle= greater than 90 in females, less than 90 in males

32 Acetabulum Giant fossa where femur articulates
All three bones meet here

33 Obturator foramen Giant hole between ischium and pubis

34 Femur

35 Femur landmarks Head: fits into acetabulum of coxal
Greater trochanter: anterior, superior Lesser trochanter: below greater, posterior Medial/Lateral condyle: balls on distal end Medial/Lateral epicondyle: projections on condyles Intercondylar notch: between condyles


37 Patella Knee cap

38 Tibia landmarks Tibia= shin bone, larger bone in lower leg
Intercondylar eminence: bump between condyles Medial/Lateral condyle Tibial tuberosity: bump on anterior side for largest muscle group attachment Medial malleolus: medial bump of ankle

39 Fibula & Tibia

40 Fibula landmarks Fibula= lateral to tibia, smaller Head
Lateral malleolus: lateral bump of ankle

41 3 sets: Proximal 5 7 Middle (not in big toe) distal Phalanges
Metatarsals 7 Tarsals Calcaneus

42 Tarsals of Foot

43 Tarsals (7) Talus Calcaneus = heel Navicular Cuboid Cuneiforms (3)

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