Surrealism – Joan Miro Year 2 Autumn 1


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Presentation transcript:

Surrealism – Joan Miro Year 2 Autumn 1 Science – The Environment Children will be introduced to the ecological challenges that face the modern world. Children will work scientifically and will undertake research and apply practical scientific methods and skills to consider recycling, climate change, the rainforest, how to save energy, being water wise and endangered animals. Maths – Singapore Number & Place value – Numbers to 100. Calculations: Addition & Subtraction, multiplication/ division 2,5,10. Measurement length/mass/ temperature. Ongoing – time, times tables’s! partitioning to add and subtract. Shape 2d,3d Homework: X+- word problems. Geography – We are Weather Experts! Children to create their own surrealist drawings of weather in our country. Identify daily weather patterns in the UK. Locate the UK on a map..Find and name the countries in the UK. Use simple compass directions. Locate London and know it is a capital city. Gain a better understanding of the weather through weather observations, gathering data and performing simple tests. Children will identify and discuss seasonal weather patterns and begin to understand the causes of these patterns. Use globes and maps to identify the equator and find locations in the UK and worldwide. Research world locational knowledge and use geographical language (poles, equator, continent, ocean and the 5 key climate zones). English – Grammar ART – Can I create a surrealistic drawing in the style of Joan Miro? 1. To use drawing to develop and share their ideas, experiences and imagination, in the context of drawing their own version of Joan Mirό’s ‘The Farm’ 2. To use drawing and painting to develop and share their ideas, experiences and imagination, in the context of creating a Surrealist picture inspired by Mirό. 3. To develop a wide range of art and design techniques in using colour, pattern, texture, line, shape, form and space, in the context of creating a Surrealist picture inspired by Mirό. Surrealism – Joan Miro Year 2 Autumn 1 PE – Dance –Dinosaur rumpus book about dinosaurs Perform dances using simple movement patterns. to explore space on the spot and travelling in different directions. P.E. - Gym Master basic movements including running jumping, throwing and catching as well as develop balance, agility and co-ordination and P.E. - Games Participate in team games develop simple tactics for defending and attacking.To play safely with a partner using a range of equipment. To make up a travelling game with a partner using a small ball. R.E:- Who is a Muslim and what do they believe? We will be looking at what do different people believe about God. Why do some people believe God exists? Do we need to prove Gods existence? I.C.T. Tasc-Can we keep ourselves safe online? ( e-safety)? Complete e-safety posters. Children will learn the importance of these:- How to keep safe online .How to keep your personal details private .Real life versus virtual life. SMSC/PSHE Go Givers Bouncing Back-Can I be resilient? Bullying-Sticks and Stones.