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Destination Earth RE: Computing: PE: Music: English: PSHE:

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Presentation on theme: "Destination Earth RE: Computing: PE: Music: English: PSHE:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Destination Earth RE: Computing: PE: Music: English: PSHE:
Discussing and explaining if Christians believe God to be holy and loving Describing and discussing what it means to be a Muslim in Britain today. Computing: Use coding programs to create a rocket launch. PE: Developing practical skills in rugby and gymnastics to participate, compete and lead a healthy lifestyle. Music: Reading and creating music using standard notation Using a variety of musical instruments to create rhythmic patterns. English: Entertain by writing a story. Persuade by writing a speech. Discuss by writing a balanced argument. Inform by writing the report. PSHE: Discussing and explaining what makes a healthy lifestyle Understanding the role of money Discussing and describe healthy relationships. Discuss and describe physical and emotional bodily changes. Mathematics: Place value Addition and subtraction Multiplication and division Statistics Perimeter and area. French: Comparing France and the UK Describing the weather Discussing and describing where we live. Science: Describing the movement of celestial bodies relative to one another in the solar system Identify and explain the effects of forces, magnets and mechanisms. History: Identifying and understanding periods of change over time Using dates, terms and timelines accurately. Art: Building patterns and colours to create prints Using a range of sketching techniques Geography: Naming and locating countries and cities across the world Identifying and describing human and physical features Identifying and describing the geographical significance of features, such as the equator, time zones and hemispheres.

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