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Political Revolutions England. English Revolution Stuarts of Scotland –James I Forced the Anglican Religion on the people of England Dismissed Parliament.

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Presentation on theme: "Political Revolutions England. English Revolution Stuarts of Scotland –James I Forced the Anglican Religion on the people of England Dismissed Parliament."— Presentation transcript:

1 Political Revolutions England

2 English Revolution Stuarts of Scotland –James I Forced the Anglican Religion on the people of England Dismissed Parliament for 10 years Ruled by Divine Right James I

3 English Revolution Charles I succeeds the throne when his father, James I died.Charles I –Was a Divine Right Monarch –1628 calls Parliament back after 10 years to raise money to fight a war –Signs Petition of Right

4 English Revolution Charles I, does not get the funds he desired from Parliament, so he dismisses it and does not recognize the Petition of Right

5 English Revolution Once again Charles I needed money to fund a war and calls Parliament back –Parliament has the King agree to regular Parliament meeting and to abolish The Star Chamber –The King agrees then dismisses it a year later

6 English Revolution Civil War –Crown were the Cavaliers led by Charles I –Parliament were the roundheads who was led by Oliver Cromwell Cromwell Oliver Cromwell

7 English Revolution New Model Army –Developed by Cromwell Was disciplined and had qualified officers rather than officers that were there because of birth

8 The English Civil War Cromwell’s New Model Army defeats the Cavaliers Charles I is put on trial for treason and found guilty trial Charles I was beheadedbeheaded

9 English Revolution Cromwell as leader –Dismisses Parliament and becomes dictator –Was from Puritan minority who wanted austere life Read Bible in spare time He dies and son inherits leadership

10 English Revolution Stuarts back in power –Parliament wants to return to monarchy –Charles II assumes throne throne Brings more fun for people Helps people after the London Fire of 1666 Begins working with Parliament Charles II

11 English Revolution Glorious Revolution –Charles II dies and his brother James II assumes throne –Parliament fears the country would become Catholic because he appoints many Catholics to positions of power Suspended the Act of Habeas Corpus James II

12 English Revolution Glorious Revolution –Fearing ascension of James’ son who was Catholic, Parliament offers the throne to his daughter from his first marriage Mary William lands with army and forces James to flee to France William and Mary

13 English Revolution William and Mary accept Parliament’s Declaration of Rights –Sets up limited or constitutional monarchy limited

14 English Revolution Glorious Revolution –It was called a glorious revolution because no shots were fired –William and Mary become dual rulers of England Accepts the Declaration of Right which limits the power of the monarch. John Locke

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