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Axial Skeleton The Skull.

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Presentation on theme: "Axial Skeleton The Skull."— Presentation transcript:

1 Axial Skeleton The Skull

2 The Skull Two parts of the skull:
The cranium encloses and protects the brain The facial bones hold the eyes and face shape

3 The Skull - Cranium Eight large flat bones fused together (sutures):
Frontal – forms forehead Parietal – superior and lateral walls (paired) Temporal – inferior to parietal, at temples (paired) Occipital – posterior wall Sphenoid – deep to the anterior of skull, forms floor of cranial cavity Ethmoid – forms roof of nasal cavity, medial walls of orbits

4 The Skull - Cranium

5 The Skull - Cranium

6 The Skull - Cranium

7 The Skull - Cranium

8 The Skull - Cranium

9 The Skull - Cranium

10 The Skull - Face Thirteen bones fused together, with one connected by joints Maxillae – forms upper jaw (paired) Palatine – posterior to maxillae, between back molars (paired) Zygomatic – cheekbones, lateral walls of orbits (paired) Lacrimal – part of medial walls of orbits, between ethmoid bones and maxillae (paired)

11 The Skull - Face Continued… Nasal – bridge of nose (paired)
Vomer – median line of nasal cavity Inferior conchae – bone projections from lateral wall of nasal cavity (paired) Mandible – lower jaw, connected by only freely movable joint of face

12 The Skull - Face

13 The Skull - Face

14 The Skull - Face

15 The Skull - Face

16 The Skull - Face

17 The Skull - Face

18 The Skull - Face

19 The Skull - Face

20 The Skull Hyoid Bone Not technically part of skull
Does not articulate directly with any other bone Anchored to temporal bones by ligaments Movable base for tongue Attachment point for neck muscles

21 The Skull

22 The Skull – Bone Markings
Meatus – canal-like passageway External Auditory Meatus – canal leads to eardrum and middle ear (temporal) Process – bony prominence Styloid Process – inferior to auditory meatus (temporal) Zygomatic Process – anterior to cheek bone (temporal) Mastoid Process – posterior and inferior to auditory meatus (temporal) Palatine Processes – extensions of maxillae that form the anterior part of the mouth (maxillae)

23 The Skull – Bone Markings
Foramen – opening through bone Jugular Magnum – at junction of occipital & temporal bones, opening for jugular vein (temporal) Carotid Canal – anterior to jugular foramen, opening for carotid artery (temporal) Foramen Magnum – opening for spinal cord to connect to brain (occipital) Foramen Ovale – opening for nerve fibers to pass to jaw muscles (sphenoid) Condyle – rounded articular projections (involved with joints) Occipital Condyles – rest on the first vertebra of the spinal column (occipital) Sinuses – cavities in bone filled with air Paranasal Sinuses – found in different bones surrounding nasal cavity (frontal, ethmoid, sphenoid, maxillae)

24 The Skull – Bone Markings

25 The Skull – Bone Markings

26 The Skull – Bone Markings

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