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ESPAñOL 3 HONORES UNIDAD 3. FOR –AR verbs Drop –AR Add: e, es, e, emos, en FOR –ER & -IR verbs Drop –ER or –IR Add: a, as, a, amos, an.

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Presentation on theme: "ESPAñOL 3 HONORES UNIDAD 3. FOR –AR verbs Drop –AR Add: e, es, e, emos, en FOR –ER & -IR verbs Drop –ER or –IR Add: a, as, a, amos, an."— Presentation transcript:


2 FOR –AR verbs Drop –AR Add: e, es, e, emos, en FOR –ER & -IR verbs Drop –ER or –IR Add: a, as, a, amos, an

3 Like in the Present Indicative, -AR and –ER Stem changing verbs are SHOE VERBS Stem changes in 4 forms Pensar: pIEnse, pIEnses, pIEnse, pEnsemos, pIEnsen Volver: vUElva, vUElvas, vUElva, vOlvamos, vUElvan

4 Have a stem change in ALL forms The stem change for YO, Tú, Él/ELLA/USTED, ELLOS/ELLAS/USTEDES follows the same stem change as present indicative. The NOSOTROS stem change is as follows and may be different from that of the other forms: E – I O – U PREFERIR: Prefiera, prefieras, prefiera, PREFIRAMOS, prefieran MORIR: Muera, mueras, muera, MURAMOS, mueran

5 Are the verbs that end in –GO in the Present Indicative Tener, Poner, Hacer, Venir, Traer, Decir, Salir, Oír To form the Present Subjunctive, drop o and apply the opposite vowel in ALL forms of the subjunctive (left with G in all forms) I.E.: Decir DIGO Diga, digas, diga, digamos, digan

6 End in ZCO in the Present Indicative Conocer, Conducir, Producir, Drop O, apply the opposite vowel from infinitive vowel (left with zc in all forms) I.E.: Conocer Conozco Conozca, conozcas, conozca, conozcamos, conozcan

7 End in yo in the Present Indicative Construir, distribuir, huir, Drop O, apply opposite vowel in all forms Left with y in all forms I.E.: Construir Construyo Construya, construyas, construya, construyamos, construyan

8 End in JO in the Present Indicative Proteger, recoger Drop o, apply opposite vowel in all forms of the Subjunctive (left with j in all forms) I.E.: Recoger Recojo Recoja, recojas, recoja, recojamos, recojan

9 Have a consonant or other spelling change in ALL forms of the Subjunctive CAR: C – QU (QUE in all forms) SACAR: Saque, saques, saque, saquemos, saquen GAR: G – GU (GUE in all forms) PAGAR: Pague, pagues, pague, paguemos, paguen ZAR: Z – C (CE in all forms) REALIZAR: Realice, realices, realice, realicemos, realicen

10 DAR: Dé, des, dé, demos, den SABER: Sepa, sepas, sepa, sepamos, sepan ESTAR: Esté, estés, esté, estemos, estén SER: Sea, seas, sea, seamos, sean VER: Vea, veas, vea, veamos, vean IR: Vaya, vayas, vaya, vayamos, vayan

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