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Presentation on theme: "CLASSIFICATION: FRUITS"— Presentation transcript:


2 F l o w e r s O r g a n s o f S e x u a l R e p r o d u c t i o n

3 F l o r a l P a r t s

4 P o l l i n a t o r s

5 P o l l e n S h a p e s

6 P o l l e n T u b e

7 F e r t i l i z a t i o n

8 F r u i t

9 1. Pear = Simple (fruit develops from
single,ripened ovary) fleshy/Pome 2. Strawberry = aggregate (fruit develops from many small ovaries within a single flower) Green leaflike structure = sepal Seeds found= outside on receptacle inside seed (achene)

10 3. Maple= Simple/Dry/ Indehiscent/ Samara 4. Olive= Simple/Fleshy/Drupe 5. Pea Pod= Simple/Dry/Dehiscent/Legume(Pod)

11 6. Sunflower= Simple/Dry/Indehiscent Achene 7. Tomato = Simple/Fleshy/Berry How many locules are in this sample? 7 8. Grape = Simple/Fleshy/berry

12 9. MILKWEED = Simple/dry/Dehiscent/ Capsule 10. ACORN = Simple/dry/ Indehiscent/nut Ovary ( thick hard wall) Cup like structure is made of modified leaves.

13 11. Coconut= Simple/Fleshy/DRUPE
White of coconut: Endosperm (food for embryo) Embryo behind the 3rd soft eye.

14 12. PINEAPPLE MULTIPLE How many flowers are in section of fruit? 12

15 13. KERNAL OF CORN (Corn on the Cob) Simple/Dry/Indehiscent/Grain What is the function of the silk? Female—long stigmas.

16 14. ORANGE Simple/ fleshy/Berry 15. Avocado Simple/fleshy/Drupe
16. Banana Simple/fleshy/Berry What causes the browning on the banana? Ethylene gas

17 17. APPLE= Simple/fleshy/Pome 18. PAPAYA = Simple/fleshy/Berry

18 SPIKE FRUIT = berry Cactus Pear = berry Starfruit = berry

19 FIG= Multiple fruit Synconium  seed is an Achene Peach = Pome Lemon = Berry Lime= Berry Grapefruit= Berry

20 Cantaloupe= Berry Honeydew= Berry Watermelon = Berry Kiwi= Berry Blueberry= berry Cucumber = Berry

21 Peanut = legume(Pod) Raspberry = Aggregate Mango = Pome Pecan = Nut


23 S e e d s A “packaged“ plant . Contains the plant embryo & nourishment
for the new plant .

24 P a c k a g e d P l a n t

25 S e e d D i s p e r s a l

26 G e r m i n a t i o n


28 Analysis: 1.Formation of fruit/seed in a simple fruit
After fertilization the OVARY wall develops 3 layers (endocarp, mesocarp, exocarp) Exocarp  enlarge become fleshy or dry fruit OVULE  SEED Receptacle can be fruit

29 2. Fruits where seeds are eaten are:
Sunflower, beans, peas, peanuts 3. Distinguish the fruit from other parts of the flower by: Fruit has one or more ovaries with a seed or seeds. 4. An aggregate fruit differs from a multiple fruit by: Aggregate  fruit with many ovaries in a single flower Multiple  many flowers

30 5. An aggregate fruit is similar to a multiple fruit by:
Both develop specialized tissue in addition to the ovary.

31 P l a n t R e p r o d u c t i o n

32 Yes, we have no bananas we have no
bananas, today


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