Sensorimotor period: Birth -2 Schemas / stranger anxiety Assimilation/Accommodation –Categorization/ClassificationCategorization/Classification Object.

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3 Sensorimotor period: Birth -2 Schemas / stranger anxiety Assimilation/Accommodation –Categorization/ClassificationCategorization/Classification Object Permanence Rooting Reflex Circular reaction reflexivity  non reflexive motions The infant interacts with the world thru sensory and motor activities.

4 Infancy: Cognitive Development Preferences for faces Visual Cliff experiments- –Depth perception

5 Preoperational Stage (ages 2-7) Egocentrism Symbol Acquisition- language Pretend Play/Social Learning Theory The child represents objects with words and mental images

6 Concrete Operational (ages 7-11) Reversibility- puppy  lab, lab  puppy Conservation- matter doesn’t increase/decrease because it changes form.Conservation- The child shows more logical thinking. Mathematical transformations Child can think logically about concrete events.

7 Formal Operational (ages 11 & up) Abstract thinking emerges Hypothetical thinking emerges –Concrete objects no longer need to be present Readiness for adult intellectual tasks. Metacognition (thinking about our own thinking) Can take others’ perspectives Thinking through hypotheses Not all adolescents/adults achieve formal operational thinking.

8 Six Sensorimotor Substages Exercising reflexes – 0-1 month Developing schemes – 1-4 months Discovering procedures – 4-8 months Intentional behavior – 8-12 months Novelty and exploration – 12-18 months Mental representation – 18-24 months

9 Preoperational Thought Appearances overwhelm preschoolers –2-3-year-olds do not easily discriminate what things look like from what things are Centration Lacks reversibility Learning becomes strategic Language becomes instrumental Misconceptions about Causality –Artificialism (sun) natural phenomena created by peeps –Animism (dolls) inanimate objects have human attributes

10 Concrete Operational Thought Reversibility: Hallmark move to Concrete Thinking –Compensation, Reciprocity, Inversion, Negation Classification and class inclusion Number skills and knowledge Understanding of conservation

11 Children’s cognitive development from 4-10 years reveals: Better conceptual relations More controlled strategies Greater awareness of thinking Better causal reasoning Better understanding of other people

12 Thought in Childhood and Adolescence Child Adolescent Limited to what is Considers possibilities Limited to present Considers abstract concepts and ideas Haphazard testing Planned testing Own view Perspective of others

13 Formal Operational Thought Thinking about possibilities Thinking abstractly Thinking through hypotheses Thinking about thinking Considering the perspective of others –Imaginary audience –Personal fable

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