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Cognitive Development and Jean Piaget

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Presentation on theme: "Cognitive Development and Jean Piaget"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cognitive Development and Jean Piaget

2 Video Piaget Overview

3 Sensory Motor (Birth-2)

4 Characteristics Learn through their senses
Develop object permanence by the end of this stage Sensory Motor Overview

5 Pre-Operational Stage (2-6)

6 Characteristics Language development is an important task of this period Child relies on intuition Animism egocentric Answer “what” but not “why” questions Understand that drawings or words stand for something Understanding of past and future lack of conservation

7 Concrete Operational Stage (7-11)

8 Characteristics Can reason deductively
Still cannot reason abstractly nor do problem solving in their head Capable of conservation, seriation, and classification Conservation

9 Formal Operational Stage (12+)

10 Characteristics Mastery of Thought Abstract reasoning
Can answer “how” and “why” questions Formal Operational thought

11 Hypothetical reasoning Extended thinking or mental leaps
There are seven cognitive processes a formal operational thinker can do better than a concrete one: Logic Abstract reasoning Hypothetical reasoning Extended thinking or mental leaps Projective thinking Metacognitive thinking Reflective thinking

12 Cognitive development according to piaget

13 Cognitive Learning Theory
Cognition: the mental process by which knowledge is acquired stimulus (the questions) Response (the answer) Cognition (the thought process)

14 Three steps to understanding Piaget’s theory:
Reflexes: simple blocks of cognition that help infants to adapt Sucking, grasping Sucking (rooting) reflex Grasping reflex

15 Piaget believed people learn in the following ways:
Assimilation: fitting new information into an already existing schema Accommodation: adjusting schema to fit new situations or demands; adjusting existing knowledge to accommodate new information

16 Equilibrium Balance between the learner and his environment (assimilation and accommodation) because some children can reach equilibrium faster, they are able to advance more quickly in logic development

17 Learner-Centered Piaget’s theory emphasizes the need for the learner to participate in the learning Learner must explore, manipulate, experiment, question, and search Learning is a social process that is enhanced through collaboration and peer interaction Teachers take more of the role of facilitator

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