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Mental Disorders Chapter 4 Section 1 7B McKinnley Bridges, Lane Shreve, Bryson Quinn.

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1 Mental Disorders Chapter 4 Section 1 7B McKinnley Bridges, Lane Shreve, Bryson Quinn

2 mental disorder A mental disorder is an illness that affects the mind and reduces a person's ability to function, to adjust to change, or get along with others. Physical factors, heredity, early experiences, and recent experiences can cause mental disorders.

3 anxiety Anxiety is fear caused by a source that you cannot identify or a source that is not as much of a threat as you think. It is normal to experience anxiety now and then. When the anxiety persist for a long time and interferes with daily living, this is a sign of an Anxiety disorder.

4 examples of stress disorders Anxiety that is related to a specific situation or object is a phobia. Some symptoms a person might have during a panic attack are fast heart rate, rapid breathing, and a fear of suffocation. An unwanted thought or image that takes control of the mind is an obsession. An obsession may lead to compulsion, an unreasonable need to behave in a certain way to prevent a feared outcome. People who survive or a life threatening event may develop post-traumatic stress disorder.

5 Some teens have Mental disorders or schizophrenia. Others have impulse-control disorders or personality disorders. A person with a mood disorder experiences extreme emotions that make it difficult to function well in daily life. With bipolar disorder, manic episodes alternate with periods of deep depression. Depression is an emotional state in which a person feels extremely sad and hopeless. Schizophrenia is one of the most serious mental disorders. A person with schizophrenia has severe disturbances in thinking, mood, and behavior. A person with an impulse control disorder can’t resist the impulse. People with personality disorders display rigid patterns.

6 What are Mental Disorders? 3 General symptoms of a mental disorder a. abnormal thoughts b. abnormal feelings c. abnormal behaviors

7 Causes of Mental Disorders a.hered ity f. Physical Factors g. growth/tumo r in brain; brain injury; infection that kills brain cells b. Early experi ences c. neglecte d/ abused child d. recent experi ences e. death of a loved one

8 DisorderDescriptionWarning Signs Generalized anxiety disorder a. displays intense worry, fears, or anxiety most days for at least 6 months b. irritability; muscle tension; trouble falling asleep and concentrating Phobiac. anxiety related to a specific situation or object d. feel dizzy; nauseous; pounding heart; trouble catching breath Panic attacke. a feeling of intense fear and a strong desire to flee for no known reason f. fast heart rate; rapid breathing; sweating; trembling Obsessive- compulsive disorder g. unreasonable need to behave in a certain way to prevent a feared outcome h. cannot stop thinking about something; keep repeating the same action Post-traumatic stress disorder i. flashbacks or nightmares that produce intense fear or horror j. unable to sleep or concentrate; intense anxiety; feeling guilty for survival

9 Other Mental Disorders-mood disorders Mood disorders are extreme emotions that make it difficult to function. Normally, people have moods that shift from happy to sad based on what’s happening in their lives. One of these mood disorders is bipolar. People with bipolar disease can go from happy to sad with a snap of a finger.

10 Schizophrenia Schizophrenia can be identified by severe disturbances in thinking, mood awareness, and behavior. People who have schizophrenia are rarely harmful to others. They may appear like a normal human being.

11 Impulse-control disorders People with this disorder cannot resist the impulse to do something. Example: Have you ever gone into a store and saw something that you had to have that instant and just took it.

12 Personality disorders People with this display rigid patterns of behavior that make it difficult for them to get along with others. Group A: People in this group tend to be cold and distant. This is paranoia. Group B: People in this group are overly emotional or unstable. This is Antisocial personality disorder. Group C: People in this group often cannot make decisions. This is called Dependent personality disorder.

13 Video Schizophrenia Simulated

14 Members McKinnley: title page, 6, 7, 8 Bryson: 2, 3, 4, 5 Lane: 9, 10, 11, 12

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