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English Colonies. Jamestown ► 1 st lasting English settlement ► Early troubles- only survived with the help of Native Americans ► TABACCO saves the day.

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Presentation on theme: "English Colonies. Jamestown ► 1 st lasting English settlement ► Early troubles- only survived with the help of Native Americans ► TABACCO saves the day."— Presentation transcript:

1 English Colonies

2 Jamestown ► 1 st lasting English settlement ► Early troubles- only survived with the help of Native Americans ► TABACCO saves the day ► Native Americans did not it when the town began to grow

3 Plymouth ► Puritans were persecuted by King James ► Became the Pilgrims ► Mayflower Compact was the 1 st form of government ► Became friends with Natives ► Next fall celebrate the 1 st Thanksgiving ► Government and Religion were tied together

4 ► The Thirteen Colonies were part of what became known as British America ► Colonies are often divided by Geographic areas ► New England Colonies  New Hampshire  Massachusetts  Rhode Island  Connecticut

5 ► Middle Colonies  New York  New Jersey  Pennsylvania  Delaware

6 ► Southern Colonies  Maryland  Virginia  North Carolina  South Carolina  Georgia

7 Virginia ► Founded in 1607 by the London Company ► Captain John Smith and Christopher Newport led an area called Jamestown ► The original colony was plagued by corruption, mismanagement, and attacks from Powhatan Indians ► 1614 John Rolfe introduced tobacco

8 ► 1619 the House of Burgesses met for the first time in Jamestown  Was America’s first representative government

9 Massachusetts ► Founded in 1620 by the Puritans ► Mayflower Compact- a local government that established rules and regulations ► Local Native Americans taught them to plant crops ► 1620 celebrated the first Thanksgiving ► 1629 Boston became the economic and religious center of Massachusetts

10 ► Puritans came for religious purification, and were intolerant to other religions ► Many religions were banned from Massachusetts ► Dissenters were exiled by the Puritans  Roger Williams  Joseph Hooker

11 New Hampshire ► Founded 1623 ► First settlers were fishermen ► Quickly built a fort and fish processing buildings ► 1641, Massachusetts claimed New Hampshire  Remained part of Massachusetts until1679  Joined again with Massachusetts in 1698  1741 New Hampshire gained independence

12 Maryland ► Found 1634 by Lord Baltimore ► 1633- 200 Catholic settlers left for Marie’s Land ► 1634- one of the predominately Catholic British Colonies ► 1649- Maryland passed the Toleration Act which guaranteed religious settlers- as long as it was a Christian religion

13 ► 1688 Catholicism was outlawed in Maryland until after the Revolution

14 Connecticut ► Founded c. 1635 by Thomas Hooker ► Puritans from Massachusetts began to spread creating Connecticut ► Land was purchases from Mohegan Indians, but the Pequot tribe wanted the land  Violence erupted between settlers and Pequot Indians in 1637  The Pequots were systematically massacred by settlers and other Indians

15 ► 1639 Thomas Hooker drafted the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut  Sometimes considered America’s first Constitution ► John Haynes was Connecticut’s first governor

16 Rhode Island ► Founded 1636 by Roger Williams ► Williams was banished from Puritan Massachusetts for his religious views ► Rhode Island became a refuge for religious outcasts ► John Clarke was granted a royal charter from Parliament that guaranteed religious freedom in Rhode Island

17 Delaware ► Founded 1638 by Peter Minuit and New Sweden Company ► Land fought over between Dutch and the Swedes ► William Penn eventually wanted to land to connect Pennsylvania to the ocean.

18 North Carolina ► Founded 1653 by Virginians ► Nathaniel Batts was looking for farmable land just south of Virginia

19 South Carolina ► Founded 1663 by Eight Nobles with a Royal Charter from Charles II ► 1729 North and South Carolina became separate royal colonies ► Charles Town (Charleston) quickly became cultural and economic center of the southern colonies ► Plantations began to be built all over the area

20 New Jersey ► Founded 1664 by Lord Berkeley and Sir George Carteret ► Originally settled by the Dutch then in 1664 the British ran the Dutch out ► Attracted people to the area by offering land and religious freedom  In return for the land, settlers had to pay a yearly tax

21 New York ► Founded 1664 by the Duke of New York ► Originally founded by the Dutch and called New Netherlands ► 1664 British naval fleet sailed into the harbor and pushed the Dutch out ► Renamed “New York”

22 Pennsylvania ► Founded 1682 by William Penn ► Penn was given a land grant by King Charles II ► Pennsylvania means “Penn’s Woods” ► Government based on religious freedom for the Quakers ► Promoted peaceful relations with the Indians ► Philadelphia became the most important city in the colonies

23 Georgia ► Founded 1732 by James Edward Oglethorpe ► Named after King George I ► Used as a prison colony at first ► Soon became a major center for the export of rice, indigo, beef, and pork

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